A look back at a video message from a past service… enjoy this Prayer of Rest and Renewal!
This weekend:

Next weekend:

FPC will now offer weekly, outdoor, in-person worship at FPC! While we won’t be singing, we will have the opportunity to say the Lord’s Prayer, listen to an inspiring message and affirm our faith in our God. Here’s what you need to know to attend outside worship:
- Weekly services start Sunday, August 23 at 9am
- Bring your own chairs to place near the shelter
- Ushers are available for assistance
- Church bathrooms will be accessible
- Consider a hat for sun protection
- Masks are encouraged, but not required
If you are high-risk or not feeling well, you can still worship at home. Online worship services will continue to be available at myfpc.org.
Reopening the Church
An Update from Your Site Reopening Action Team
Session held a Special Session Meeting this past Sunday evening and the SRAT presented a plan for how to reopen FPC for worship in as safe of a manner as possible – and Session approved the plan unanimously! The plan calls for FPC to start with worship services being held outdoors. We have many safety elements built into the plan, including physical distancing and recommending masks for everyone so that all attending can do so as safely as possible. We, unfortunately, will not be singing as that is a known “spreader” activity. Ushers will be available to assist with seating, and they will have on both masks and gloves. Restrooms will be available.
These are just a few of the many considerations the SRAT built into the plan, and that Session has approved. So, while the service will not look and feel quite the same, we believe the safety features will minimize the risks of attending while also allowing for a meaningful time of worship and fellowship!
The timing of when we get back to worship is not part of this plan – that is a Session decision. And Session has made that decision! They have decided that an outdoor service will be held at FPC, with the first one being August 23rd.
As part of the plan it was decided to continue with the same virtual worship experience that is currently being provided. So, for those that are not yet comfortable attending in person, you can continue with the same amazing virtual experience the staff and volunteers have been providing us these past few months!
Our team is continuing to work on the remainder of a site reopening plan, namely how to safely use the FPC buildings and grounds for the many other ministry areas that occur at FPC beyond the worship service. Our goal is to take that to Session at its September Session meeting. We will let you know more about this part of the plan as it gets developed and approved by Session.
Site Reopening Action Team
RJ Binau, Elder of Buildings & Grounds
Steve Cable, Chair
Nancy Groeneveld, Director of Music & Worship Arts
Kirk Morledge, Senior Pastor
Liz Weller, Elder of Worship & Music
Families are Enjoying BOLT!

Briana Jelenc shared these pictures of her kids having fun with BOLT games and activities. They appreciates the opportunity for virtual VBS this year!
It’s not too late to bring the fun of BOLT into your house! All curriculum is available through August 31. Click the link below for more info:
A letter of recognition to FPC’s Session
Pastor Kirk received this uplifting message on behalf of the FPC session from Chaz Ruark, Executive Presbyter at John Knox Presbytery. Pastor Kirk wants to share it with the entire congregation:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and from your fellow Presbyterians in John Knox Presbytery.
I don’t have to expound on the toll the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on all of us over the past 6 months. It has tested our physical, emotional, and spiritual resolve in a manner unknown to any of us. In talking with Pastor Kirk, he has shared with me the exemplary manner in which you as a Session have dealt with this situation and provided leadership for your congregation. On behalf of Presbytery I want to thank you for your patience and wisdom in making the hard decisions for your church. Your service to the Church of Jesus Christ is a model to all your colleagues in our region. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I firmly believe your efforts to keep your members safe in this time is what Christ would have us do.
I am also aware of how you have reached out to your members through various means to keep them connected. Thank you! It is the hope of all of us that we will see the end of this epidemic and be able to resume our traditional means of worship and fellowship soon. In the meantime, I hope you will take solace in the knowledge that you are not alone. Especially in Dane County, health department numbers have led our churches to remain in virtual mode well into the Fall months. We read in Romans chapter 8: “…neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.”
I thank you for your service and I encourage you to keep up the good work you have done to this point. Stay healthy and well, and protect those among you at high risk. Blessings upon you all!
Chaz Ruark
Executive Presbyter
John Knox Presbytery
Catch up on the Children’s Moment
Did you miss last week’s Children’s Moment in the service? Or maybe you’d like to watch it again? We will now be making each week’s Children’s moment available in it’s own separate video in the Connector. Enjoy!
Book Club
Book club Invitation from First Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.
Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry is excited to announce that 27 people have now signed up for this book group.
- Group 1: Read the first half of the book and meet in September to discuss. Then, read the second half and meet in October to discuss.
- Group 2: Read book in entirety. Meet multiple times the fall to watch additional videos by the author and discuss topics from the book.
Groups will be scheduled in August. State and county requirements will determine if there will be any in-person option. Want more information or have additional questions? Email Christa below:
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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