At FPC, we are dedicated to helping you learn about and understand faith. The more we know about the path we travel, the better we know the One who travels with us, the more richly satisfying the journey. We provide opportunities for adults to grow through Bible Studies, adult Sunday School opportunities, Lenten programs, and special presentations throughout the year.
Fellowship, Fun & Games

New Horizons
For our amazing 55+ and “young at heart crowd” who enjoy Christian community! Meets once a month on Wednesdays at 11:30AM at a TBD restaurant in the Waunakee area. Contact Steve Doty or Anne Frihart for more information.

Dining Divas
Ladies! Come for connection as we dine out together once a month. Contact Alka Van Haren for more information.

Meet the 3rd Thursday of the Sept, Oct, Mar, Apr: 1:00 pm in the Gathering Space, September, October, March, April to discussing quilts, “Show & Tell,” and connect. Come sew together on two 4-day “Sewing Days” in November/May. Contact Anne Frihart for more information.

2nd Tuesday night & 4th Thursday night of the month. Contact Dave Healy for info/location
For the Musical Folks

Joyful Noise
An Instrumental ensemble consisting of brass, woodwinds, and percussion. Meeting on the 1st/3rd Thursday at 7pm. Contact Sam Robinson for more information.
For the Active Folks

Heavenly Stretch
Our Yoga-based exercise class is returning spring 2025 and will be led by instructor Lolly Lawrence. Join Lolly for 4-6 planned sessions early Tuesday evenings at 5:15 pm in the FPC Chapel starting in February.

Adopt-a-Spot Group
Care for FPC’s Outdoor Grounds by adopting one spot to weed and care for during the growing season. RJ Binau for more information.

GROW Group
Join our list of folks caring for FPC’s Outdoor Grounds on an as needed basis. Contact RJ Binau for more information.
Connection with God and Each Other

Meets in a classroom off of the Fellowship Hall at 9am on Sundays to watch an ongoing Bible Series by David Jeremiah. Contact Carolyn Harris for more information.

Life Compass
Meet in the Conference Room at 9am to connect with each other and God as we discuss topics including: What it means to be a Christian? Sharing our Faith, Marriage, and Parenting. Contact Jim Fitzgerald for more info

Centering Prayer
1st Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the Chapel. This Christian contemplative prayer session will consist of two 20 minute “sits” followed by discussion. New folks welcome! Contact Judy Fitzgerald for info

Moms Supporting Moms!
Whatever you are going through in your life, you are not alone! Come be a part of our MomCo community (all ages & stages) as we build a safe place to connect & grow. Contact Kris Sliwicki for information.

Care for Caregivers
This small supportive group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm & the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10am. Contact Marcia Chase for more info

Theology on Tap
A casual gathering centered on food/drinks, connection, and deep conversation meeting once a month (21+). Contact Jim Fitzgerald for more information.

Light Team
All women are invited to join us for connection time, treats and to watch and discuss a Christian video series. The group will meet on Mondays at 1pm in the Gathering Space. Contact Lynda Bennin for more information.

Women's Bible Study
All women are welcome on Wednesday’s at 8am in room 204. Contact Beth Stellmacher for more information.

FPC Men's Group
All men are invited for fellowship and to watch/discuss a Christian video series. We meet Wednesdays at 7pm in the Conference Room from September-June. For more info, contact David Sliwicki or Jim Fitzgerald.

Virtual Bible Study
From September to June join us virtually on Thursday’s at 7pm as we study a Bible video series. Contact Carolyn Harris for the Zoom Link or more information.