FPC Student Ministry exists to help students KNOW God, GROW in relationship with Him and each other, and to GO serve others in Jesus’ name.
Students can expect a welcoming environment with caring adult leaders who are there to support and encourage them on their faith journey, regardless of if they are exploring their faith for the first time, a committed follower of Jesus, or anywhere between.
All students are welcome!
Weekly Opportunities
Sundays | 9:00–9:50am
In the upstairs youth room (Sept-May)
7th-12th Graders, join us for a time of connection, Bible discussion, and prayer.
Wednesdays | 7:00-8:15pm
In the upstairs youth room (Sept-May)
7th-12th Graders, join us for a time of connection, games, musical worship, meaningful messages and small group discussions, and prayer.
Special Events and Programs
Events will be added and updated throughout the year:
Summer Mission Learning Experience | June 18-23, 2024
Milwaukee, WI
Students currently in 8th-12th grade are invited to participate in our upcoming mission learning experience as we partner with City on a Hill and seek to humbly serve others, learn from them, and grow in our understanding of and relationship with God.