Who Is Jesus?
This video, which was first shown in an online service this summer, is a great reminder of who Jesus is and why we can take comfort in the fact that he is the same today, tomorrow and forever.
This Weekend’s Message

Starting Next Weekend!

It’s fall y’all! And FPC has decided to push back the outdoor service to allow the evening temperatures extra time to warm up. The 9am service will become the 10:45 service beginning October 4. We look forward to seeing you then!
Book Groups Explore Social Justice

Twenty people make up four book groups that are meeting in-person and online with Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministries, to discuss Austin Channing Brown’s book, I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Together they are humbling seeking to find God’s heart in social justice.
Connection Opportunities
Looking for some extra human connection? Or would you like some time to chat and pray with an FPC staff member? Here are some opportunities for you:

Family Connection Groups: In-person and virtual
Family Connection groups are now happening. We meet for 10 minutes via Zoom, share highs and lows from the week, and end with a quick prayer. What a great church family connection! Email Christa if you are interested in a virtual or outside/in person family connection group.
Backyard visits with Christa
Christa will bring a mask and her own chair to chit chat or pray with you at your. She would LOVE to hang out with you–for any reason. Request a visit today through the email link below.
Email Christa in the link below if you’re interested in scheduling either one of these connection opportunities!
Deacon Care Packages Mailing In October

Care Packages….in October?!
We live in strange and different times.
The Deacons have a history of sending care packages to college students and members of the military to let them know how much their church family cares about them. The packages are usually sent in December. But this year, things are different. Packages will be mailed in late October. We realize that some students will receive these at home and that’s ok.
If you’d like your student or member of the military to receive a care package you must provide a mailing address NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 18. Use the email link below or call the church office at 608-949-9445.
Shepherding the Flock:
A Summary of the September, 2020 Session Meeting
Submitted by: Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
FPC’s staff and Session continue to keep our services and ministries working as smoothly as possible during this unusual time. The completed SRAT, Site Reopening Action Team, report was presented to Session. After some changes, it was unanimously approved.
The outdoor worship service will continue indefinitely, weather permitting, as long as the temperature at start of service is at least 33 degrees. The start time will change to 10:45 beginning in October. The Elders want to let the outdoor setting warm up a bit. Session will address when and how to return to inside worship at the regular October Session meeting.
We will receive and vote on new Elders and Deacons during the offering at the October 25 service. If weather prevents us from outside worship that day, we will receive and elect officers during the offering at the next outdoor worship service.
Session unanimously approved a new Endowment Trust for FPC and approved the four trustees to oversee the fund: current Finance Elder Alan Roberts, current Stewardship Elder Harry Argue, FPC member Tony Tomaselli, and FPC member Krista Wallace.
Our Deacons remain very actively ministering to our parishioners.
The annual stewardship campaign will begin in October.
Personnel is working on finding a replacement for our visual and camera technician, John Blandino, who is leaving at the end of September.
Student Ministry welcomed Director of Student Ministries, Ezrah, back from sabbatical. He is working on home visits and monthly connection opportunities.
Mission is working on how to offer the Holiday Tree donations.
Children’s Ministry has started outdoor Wake Up and Worship, is working on digital Sunday School, and hosting Trunk or Treat in the FPC parking lot on October 31.
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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