Kids enjoy Wake Up and Worship

Our first Wake Up and Worship during last Sunday’s outdoor service was a hit with the kids that came to learn from Patricia Coley, the Director of Children’s Ministry and participate in a fun craft. Visit Wake Up and Worship in the courtyard by the church office door every Sunday during the 9am outdoor service.
Also, our virtual Sunday school curriculum is now ready! Click on the banner below to register and get on the email distribution list for all the updates.

Weekend message…

We are living in stormy times. Where have we decided to weather these storms? What have we built the houses of our lives on? Christ reminds us to build on the rock. Join us this weekend for a message based on Matthew 7 either online or at our Sunday outside worship service at 9am!
Celebrating the first baptism since the beginning of quarantine

During last Sunday’s outdoor service we celebrated the baptism of Santiago Olayo, the son of Fernando and Heather Olayo. We were happy to welcome Fernando’s mother who was visiting from Mexico and to provide a translator for her during the baptism. What a hope-filled moment to experience in the service as we made a commitment as a congregation to little Santiago, Fernando, Heather and their family.
Backyard visits with Christa

Contact Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, if you would like to plan a visit. Christa will bring a mask and her own chair to chit chat or pray with you in your yard. She would LOVE to hang out with you–for any reason. Request a visit today!
The masked MOPS meet

Eleven masked mamas returned to MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, at the first in-person meeting since the quarantine. The moms met in the Outdoor Family Space and talked about changing the mindset of mom duties as a constraint, to thinking about motherhood as a catalyst. The MOPS theme this year is Decide to Rise. Enjoy this awesome video devotional to moms–it is an intro to MOPS, but this message is applicable to moms with kids of all ages.
Decide to Rise – Mandy Arioto from MOPS International on Vimeo.
John Blandino: Making even the Schmeelks look good on video
This silly collection of outtakes only partially demonstrates the magic that John Blandino is continually able to work when given video content by staff. He adds the polish that helps effectively convey the message to the FPC family. We will be recognizing John’s years of service on staff next Sunday. You can send him a note of thanks and wish him well as he moves on from FPC at:
John, your video magic will be greatly missed and you leave behind very large shoes to fill!
Our Daily Bread is Available

The new issues of Our Daily Bread have been delivered. Both the large print and the regular size versions are available. They are in a plastic tote at the front of the church under the portico on the right side as you face the church. Stop to pick up one for your house anytime!
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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