Jump to this week’s announcements!

This past Tuesday at 4:30ish, I stopped by the gathering of faithful folks who meet each week to pray for the needs of FPC, for our country and world. It is awesome that these folks meet together to pray here at FPC.
One of the reasons that I was called to this church at this time in your life and mine is the plain and simple fact that you are a praying church.
I will be joining that group as often as I am able because I believe that prayer is the main engine of change in a church. Prayer helps us confess that we are not in control. Prayer helps us connect with God who is active and actively working in our world (like leaven in the loaf). Our daily prayer allows the Holy Spirit to heal us, empower us to forgive, lead us and mold us to become more and more like Jesus.
One of my favorite movie scenes comes from the movie “Rudy.” Rudy is desperate to play football at Notre Dame even though he is on the small size. He’s in church, praying…. The priest stops by…..
Father Cavanaugh: [in church] Taking your appeal to a higher court?
Rudy: I’m desperate. If I don’t get in next semester, it’s over, I’m done. Notre Dame doesn’t accept senior transfers.
Father Cavanaugh: Well, you’ve done a heck of a job kid, chasing down your dream.
Rudy: I don’t care what kind of job I did, if it doesn’t produce results, it doesn’t mean anything.
Father Cavanaugh: I think you’ll discover that it will.
Rudy: Maybe I haven’t prayed enough.
Father Cavanaugh: I’m sure that’s not the problem. Praying is something we do in our time, the answers come in God’s time.
Rudy: If I’ve done everything I possibly can, can you help me?
Father Cavanaugh: Son, in thirty-five years of religious study, I’ve come up with only two hard, incontrovertible facts; there is a God, and, I’m not Him.
“There is a God and I am not Him.” “Praying is something we do in our time, the answers come in God’s time.” Two great nuggets. Confession and faith.
I am calling us all to a season of prayer for the time that I am here as your Interim.
Who knows where God will heal us, lead us, mold us, fill us?
I invite you whenever and wherever you are each Tuesday to take 10 minutes out of your day, close your (office?) door, take a few deep breaths, quiet yourself, and pray for the needs of your loved ones, our church, country and world. If you don’t know how to pray using words, then sit in silence for those moments and allow the Holy Spirit to pray in and through you.
Maybe you will be moved to join the faithful who meet (4:30 Tuesdays) at church?
I hope so. If you stop by, maybe we will see each other.
If not, pray whenever and wherever the Spirit leads you. It is important.

Fresh Bulletin Board Information

New life has been breathed into the lobby bulletin boards! If you get an opportunity, come see the new information for Student Ministry and Children’s Ministry.
Quilters Meeting

Hello Quilters —
We will be meeting on the third Thursday in September, which is next week, Sept 15. Meetings are at 1:00 pm in the church Gathering Space.
No specific program is planned but we expect a lot of Show and Tell and stories of quilts being worked on and/or planned.
I expect to have meetings every month, Sept through Dec. Program ideas welcome!
Hope to see you this week.
Parking Lot Construction: Paving has begun!

I am enclosing some pictures that you can see of the first layer of pavement – called a “binder coat”. This can be driven on and this area is available for Sunday’s use. There are cones up now just limiting access until the weekend to give this layer a chance to set, but again it can be driven on if need be and Sunday is not an issue.
Wolf Paving has scheduled the final pavement work for Monday September 12th – weather permitting. This schedule is based on the availability of material, equipment and manpower for the work. During their business day – 7am-4 pm, the church’s parking lot will be a bevy of activity and they would caution anyone coming to property during that time to be prepared to drive and park on the grass. I know I tried to keep the church open throughout the construction, but this schedule on Monday is where we are. Sorry, but I would ask that we limit access to the church between 7 am and 4 pm on Monday September 12th. If something changes with the schedule I will let everyone know.
If there are meetings or practices or other uses of the parking lot in the evening after 6 pm that should be fine – it would be better if we could give the pavement a day – but its not necessary, the pavement is meant to be driven on – so don’t worry if you meet Monday night.
Any concerns or questions, give RJ Binau, Buildings and Grounds Elder, a call at 608-334-8052.
Thank you,
RJ Binau, Buildings and Grounds Elder.
Volunteer Meeting – Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Elder is calling a meeting for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 6 pm in the gathering space for anyone interesting in volunteering to help with the work of the Buildings and Grounds team. We will discuss the upcoming fall clean-up day-scheduled for Saturday October 8th (rain date October 15th) some long range plans for the landscaping of the property and some of the plans for changes related to the inside of our wonderful facility. A willingness to pitch in and help is all that you need to bring to the team. Hope to see you on the 21st. If you have any questions, please call RJ Binau, Building and Grounds Elder, at 608-334-8032.
Food for Kidz: Oct 16

Food for Kidz is taking place on Sunday, October 16, and we’re looking for volunteers to fill three tables. This is a great opportunity to volunteer as a family or individual to help put together meals that will be shipped to Ukranian refugees and food pantries around Dane County. If you’re interested in volunteering, click here for the Sign Up Genius link to learn more and sign up.
Featured Musician: Ying Wang

Originally from Shanghai China, Ying began his piano studies at the very young age of four. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with degrees in Piano Performance and Psychology, with an emphasis in child development. After completing a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland, he is now back in Madison pursuing a DMA in Piano Performance and Pedagogy, and minor in neuroscience. He is deeply interested in how children’s neuropsychological development and music, especially piano, can directly affect one’s intellectual and multisensory development. Currently, he is planning a longitudinal study with the Binaural Hearing and Speech Lab, under the UW Madison Neuroscience Training Program – one of the nation’s leading research programs in human multisensory integration.
Upcoming Special Music in Worship
- September 11 – Ying Wang, pianist
- September 18 – Blue Skies Sax Ensemble
- September 25 – Ying Wang, pianist
Video Devotional: The Who, What and How of God’s Rescue Plan for Humanity
In this episode of Scriptures for Life, Jeff talks about the “The Who, What and How of God’s Rescue Plan for Humanity.” This devotion was given at Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison, WI, on August 28, 2022. Soli Deo Gloria!

Time For Prayer | Tuesdays at 4:30 pm | Gathering Space
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Join us at Time for Prayer on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm in the Gathering Space at church. We gather to lift up concerns for this world, our country, our church and our own personal requests. All pray-ers welcome! When we don’t feel like praying out loud, we say “praying silently.”
For the past 18 years, Time for Prayer has lifted up thousands upon thousands of prayers. With Jesus in our midst, we lift up what is on our hearts, and know that our prayers are heard and will be answered. Come join us, and be blessed.

WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS | September 11, 2022

Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to communications@myfpc.org.
The Connector comes out at 4pm every Friday. The deadline for submissions is Noon, the Wednesday prior.
Church Handbook/Directory for 2022
Our Church Handbook/Directory for 2022 can be found in baskets placed in the lobby. Please take one and let the church office know if your contact info needs updating.
Our Friendship Pads are back
Our Friendship Pads are back in the pews! We invite you to sign the Friendship Pad and write a note to the office if you wish. Pass it along and pass it back. Pause to greet someone following the service.
Today was our first day of Sunday School!
We invite all children, teens, and adults to join us every Sunday from 9-9:50am. The children and teens meet upstairs in the education wing, and adults meet downstairs off the fellowship hall.
ATTENTION: All students in 7-12 grade
All students in 7-12 grade are invited to participate as we kickoff our fall offerings.
Join us Sunday mornings in the upstairs youth space from 9am-9:50am as we begin our Characters series that will explore the Bible through the lives of its people. There’s also free hot cocoa!
Join us Wednesday evenings in the upstairs youth space from 7pm-8pm for a time of fun, connection, relevant messages, and meaningful discussions. The series for September is on Friendship.
We also have some great opportunities coming this year, including the Confirmation Journey, our annual winter camp, and our mission trip experience to Guatemala to build homes for families in need.

MOPS begins on Tuesday!
MOPS begins on Tuesday! Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:45pm, we invite all moms of early childhood kids and school age kids and teens to join us! Flyers are on the table in the lobby!
Adult Sunday School: Sundays 9am
Anyone is invited to our Adult Education Sunday morning study that meets downstairs in the old Sunday school room closest to the kitchen in Fellowship Hall every Sunday at 9am. Contact Carolyn Harris with questions.
The Light Team Meeting: Mondays Sept. 12-Oct. 3

9/12 ONLY – Since the Church is closed for parking lot paving on Monday the 12th, we will meet at 10am at M-N-M’s Coffeehouse 509 W. Main Street, Waunakee.
The Light Team is comprised of women who want a chance to meet for fellowship and Bible study. We pray for each other and those in our church family and community. When possible, we extend ourselves in projects to help others. There is no homework and we include humor and laughter! We will be meeting in the Gathering Place @ 1 – 2:30pm on the following Mondays. All are welcome to attend any or all of our sessions. From Sept. 12-Oct. 3 The Light Team will be reading “Follow” by Andy Stanley.
Waunakee Boo Bash!
Join the Children’s Ministry @ Waunakee Boo Bash! October 19 4-7pm at the Public Library Parking lot. Click here for details!
Family Open Gym Game Day: Nov 13
FPC Family Open Gym Game Day! Village Center Gym from 1-3pm on November 13
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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