FPC Families are invited to Trunk or Treat!

Are you looking for a way to celebrate Halloween this year in a safe and socially distanced way? We have an option for you and your family. Join us for Trunk or Treat: Saturday, October 31st from 2-3 pm in the FPC parking lot.
There are several ways to participate:
- Decorate your vehicle/trunk in a family friendly way. There are so many ideas from Halloween, favorite movie, favorite Biblical story. Set up for decorating your vehicle is from 1-2 pm. Click here for some fun ideas for car decorating.
- Sign your child up to participate in the Costume Parade with multiple treat stops! You will receive a start time closer to the day so we can maintain safe socially distancing.
- Volunteer to Help or Donate candy. Volunteer to help create treat bags, run a treat station, and hang up decorations. Or you can donate, store bought individually wrapped snacks (chips, pretzel, fruit snacks), prizes (like pencils, spider rings mini bubbles, bouncy balls, etc.), Halloween themed prize bags or outdoor decorations for the event
Decorated vehicles will be parked along one side of the parking lot and the trail will go in a circle around the building. There will be one entrance and one exit to the treat trail. If you are not decorating a vehicle to participate you will park near the front doors and then enter the trail. If it rains there will be a drive through treat bag pick up option.
Pick a way to be involved and sign up today!
This Weekend’s Message

As worldwide Communion Sunday, it is a perfect time to remember our one-ness in Christ. “In Christ there is no east or west, in him no north or south, but one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth.”
Prepackaged individualized Communion elements will be provided at the outdoor service at it’s new time, Sunday at 10:45. You can share Christ’s Supper in your own home by preparing a serving of bread and grape juice or wine for each participant. Whether you celebrate at home with elements from your own kitchen, or outside at the church with our prepackaged elements, we are grateful to celebrate together the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.
Video Devotional: Winning the Marathon That Is 2020
Bethel Series Executive Director and FPC member, Rev. Jeff Quinto presents this bi-weekly devotion, “Winning the Marathon That Is 2020,” originally given on January 11, 2020, and is based on Romans 12:12.

Porchlight Job Fair
Sunday, October 4th
2:00pm-4:00pm – Program begins promptly at 2:30pm
Warner Park Community Recreation Center
Looking for a job that is meaningful and contributes to the community?Porchlight, Inc. is hiring compassionate, motivated, and open-minded individuals to join its Drop-In Shelter team in several key roles:
- Shelter Assistant: Shelter Assistants work as a team to provide services to shelter guests and facilitate shelter operations from 4:00pm-8:30am daily. Shelter Assistants work an 8-hour second or third shift. Full time. Some part-time or fill-in positions may be available.
- Shelter Case Manager: Case Managers provide individualized services to assist guests with finding housing options and connecting to other community resources and programs. Evening hours, 4:30pm-9:30pm. One full-time position with supplemental daytime hours, one part-time position.
- Shelter Health Assessment Coordinator: Shelter Health Assessment Coordinators oversee volunteers and staff in screening shelter guests for COVID-19 symptoms during shelter intake and make referrals to the Medical Respite Center. Evening hours, 4pm-9pm. Part time.
- Shelter Support Specialist: Shelter Support Specialists provide additional support to shelter guests needing someone to talk to or experiencing a crisis related to mental illness, substance use, or other factors. They assist the rest of the shelter team in dealing with difficult personal or interpersonal situations that arise for guests. Evening hours, 4:30pm-9:30pm. Part time.
Complete job descriptions for these positions can be found on the Porchlight, Inc. website. Interested participants are asked to pre-register through Eventbrite and bring a copy of their resume with them to the fair.
Participants will be required to wear a face covering throughout the event, unless an alternative accommodation is arranged.
Questions about the event may be directed to Porchlight Human Resources Director Dawn Iselin at diselin@porchlightinc.org.
Connection Opportunities
Looking for some extra human connection? Or would you like some time to chat and pray with an FPC staff member? Here are some opportunities for you:

Family Connection Groups: In-person and virtual
Family Connection groups are now happening. We meet for 10 minutes via Zoom, share highs and lows from the week, and end with a quick prayer. What a great church family connection! Email Christa if you are interested in a virtual or outside/in person family connection group.
Backyard visits with Christa
Christa will bring a mask and her own chair to chit chat or pray with you at your. She would LOVE to hang out with you–for any reason. Request a visit today through the email link below.
Email Christa in the link below if you’re interested in scheduling either one of these connection opportunities!
Deacon Care Packages Mailing In October

Care Packages….in October?!
We live in strange and different times.
The Deacons have a history of sending care packages to college students and members of the military to let them know how much their church family cares about them. The packages are usually sent in December. But this year, things are different. Packages will be mailed in late October. We realize that some students will receive these at home and that’s ok.
If you’d like your student or member of the military to receive a care package you must provide a mailing address NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 18. Use the email link below or call the church office at 608-949-9445.

Successful Blood Drive!
On September 30, we hosted a blood drive for the Red Cross in Fellowship Hall. Read this note about how the Red Cross was able to exceed their goal of collected units.
The drive was amazing. We collected 38 units on a goal of 25! We are still on for October 16th which is the Waunakee Community blood drive.
Thanks for allowing us to use the space and partnering with the Red Cross!
Nicole Rundahl
Donor Recruitment Account Manager
American Red Cross Blood Services
Our next hosted blood drive will be on October 16.
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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