All Saints Day- Covid 19 Style

On November 1 we celebrate All Saints Day. On this wonderful day, celebrated in churches far and near, we are encouraged to enter mindfully into the presence of God. We gratefully remember all who have been faithful to God throughout the centuries.
This year, we invite your participation by providing your name, the name of your departed friend or family member, and your relationship to that person through an online form you can find here or at the button below. You may also call the church office (608)949-9445 to give the same information.
Take some time on November 1st to light a candle in your home honoring your loved one. The names will be shared during the virtual service on November 8th and in the bulletin for the Outdoor Service on November 8th.
This Weekend’s Message

At the end of the outdoor service at 10:45 we will hold the annual fall meeting to elect elders, deacons, and the congregational
nominating committee. If weather prevents our meeting outside on the 25th, we will have the meeting at the next outdoor service.
The 2020 Giving Trees:

The Mission Team continues to help to those in need this Christmas with the Giving Trees. Due to COVID, wrapped Christmas gifts cannot be distributed to families in need. For this reason, we will be accepting monetary donations or store gift cards for each group’s tree. All donations should be marked Attention Mission Team and can be mailed or dropped off at the church at the mailbox near the church office entrance. Any amount is appreciated. If you’d like your donation to go towards a specific group’s tree, make a note of it on your donation. All Giving Tree donations should be made by Monday, December 7.
Here are the groups we are supporting this year:
- WEB Tree – The Waunakee Ecumenical Board has 156 families and 350 children in Waunakee that need help with food and gifts. Monetary donations only. No gift cards please. Checks can be mailed directly to WEB at P.O. Box 143.
- Soar Kenya Academy Tree – After recently opening their doors to 4th-8th graders they have found that, due to COVID job loss, many families are not able to pay tuition. Hoping that that this is just a temporary situation, they are desperately in need of funds to pay for meals for students and local elderly community. Monetary donations only. No gift cards please.
- Operation Christmas Angel Tree – for the Children of active duty men and women serving outside of the Country. Walmart gift cards requested.
- Shelter from the Storm Ministry Tree – This group will purchase gifts for the children of the single homeless mothers that are being served in their facility. Walmart gift cards requested.
- *NEW THIS YEAR* Sock Tree – To benefit the homeless or needy men, women, and children of: Friends of State Street, The Beacon, Porchlight, and Waunakee Neighborhood Connection. We are collecting bagged socks at the church main entrance on Sundays. Or arrangements can be made to pick up the socks at your home.
Our FPC family is always so generous during the Giving Tree season! Thank you in advance for financially supporting these worthy groups in our community. Have any questions? Email Glenn Myers, FPC Mission Elder.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month

FPC is blessed with pastors who care deeply about their flock and work tirelessly and with great creativity, day after day, to ensure our spirits are cared for and fed. Let’s all take some time to notice and encourage Pastors Kirk and Ben and send a note or email, make a phone call—or choose whatever means you prefer to express your thanks.
Video Devotional: You Have Been Chosen
Bethel Series Executive Director and FPC member, Rev. Jeff Quinto presents this devotion, “You Have Been Chosen,” based on John 15:16.
A letter of appreciation to FPC
A letter to FPC from First Presbyterian Church, in Westfield was shared at the last session meeting and we want to be sure that the whole FPC family reads it!
We thank God for all you do to follow Christ and serve your community and the world, especially through your annual community Memorial Day Service, food pantries, Pres House, international missionaries, and your ministry to children and families. May God continue to inspire and guide you as you work to stay connected to each other, and worship in many new ways!
Connection Opportunities
Looking for some extra human connection? Or would you like some time to chat and pray with an FPC staff member? Here are some opportunities for you:
Family Connection Groups: In-person and virtual
Family Connection groups are now happening. We meet for 10 minutes via Zoom, share highs and lows from the week, and end with a quick prayer. What a great church family connection! Email Christa if you are interested in a virtual or outside/in person family connection group.
Backyard visits with Christa
Christa will bring a mask and her own chair to chit chat or pray with you at your. She would LOVE to hang out with you–for any reason. Request a visit today through the email link below.
Email Christa in the link below if you’re interested in scheduling either one of these connection opportunities!
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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