Tidbits From the Past
Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
Pastor Kirk and I looked through First Pres’s first minutes book hoping to find information on the 1918 pandemic. There weren’t any minutes from those years, but it was interesting to read. Here are some tidbits from the past:
- The first entry is July 16, 1877. A group of several persons met in the school house in the Village of Waunakee at 8:00 in the evening. The meeting was duly called and notified for the purpose of taking into consideration the organization of a Religious Society according to the Laws of the State of Wisconsin. It was unanimously resolved to proceed with the organization of a religious society that would be known as First Presbyterian Society of Waunakee.
- The first few years the minutes are about once a year and mostly just say who was elected trustee.
- March 31, 1912, is the first financial report reporting the finances from January 1, 1911 to January 1, 1912.
- On hand January 1, 1911 $33.14 Received in 1911 $143.32
- Paid out in 1911, $159.60 Balance January 1, 1912 $16.86 The average collection for the year was 85 cents and the average attendance was 40
- May 13, 1920. A motion was passed to give Reverend Jecklin authority to appoint a superintendent of Sunday School for the summer months so that Sunday School might be held every Sunday AM during the period of attending Sunday eve services during the summer months.
- May 13, 1920, a motion passed that the Board of Trustees and Elders take immediate action to get electric lights installed and working within the next three weeks.
- July 26, 1920, A motion was made to pay the electrician bill if found correct. Another motion was made to not install more lights and fixtures until a later date.
- The next entry is November 24, 1920, and states they discussed the advisability of excavating and preparing the basement for a heating plant.
- April 5, 1925, there was a discussion on the best methods of raising the budget. It was decided to mail out pledges to all members and church supporters.
I hope you have enjoyed some of this early history from the little church on Fish Street.

All Saints’ Day Memorial Roll

Last Sunday, October 31, was All Saints’ Day. Candles were lit in the chapel in remembrance of the saints that have gone before us. FPC has collected names from the congregation and built this year’s Memorial Roll of loved ones. A printed copy will be part of the bulletin on Sunday, November 7. Or, you can download and view the file below.
Video Devotional: Shiphrah, Puah and Pharaoh
In this video, Reverend Jeff Quinto, Director of The Bethel Series and FPC member, recounts the story of Shiphrah, Puah and Pharaoh from Exodus 1:8-21. You would have thought that Pharaoh was the main character, but he isn’t even named. This is the story of God’s love for the Hebrew people and for two lowly midwives, Shiphrah and Puah.
Seasonal Choir Opportunity
Music is a pillar of worship at FPC and we’re excited to announce an opportunity for our congregation to use their gift of singing! As we’re carefully navigating the waters around Covid safety, we are optimistically announcing the formation of a seasonal choir. The first choir rehearsal would take place in November, possibly Wednesday, November 10. We will be preparing to perform at the FPC Christmas worship services. If you’re interested in being a part of the seasonal choir, send an email to Nancy Groeneveld, Director of Music & Worship Arts in the link below.

Hello FPC families! We’d like to learn how many kids are interested in participating in a Children’s Nativity Service this year. We will be dressing up in costumes but this year, there will also be parts to sing, and kids can have a speaking part if they choose! If you are interested in more information, send an email to Patricia Coley, Director of FPC’s Children’s Ministry, in the link below.
We are very excited to start working on this. Rehearsals will take place during Sunday School: December 5, 12, and 19. It’s okay if you can’t make them all. The nativity performance will be December 19 at 4:00 p.m.
Together Called: Stewardship Update
If you turned in a pledge, THANK YOU! We received 99 pledges as of Tuesday, November 2. We had no in-person services last fall, so we set an ambitious goal of 75* pledges by pledge Sunday and nearly hit it. Our goal is to receive 165 pledges, which would be in between our 2019 and 2020 totals.
If you haven’t yet made a commitment for 2022, please prayerfully consider doing so. You can mail in a pledge card, bring it on Sunday or during office hours during the week. Or email Sue Gade at sgade@myfpc.org with the pledge amount, but no banking info, please!

A Trunk or Treat thank you!
Thank you to everyone that participated and supported in this year’s Trunk or Treat last weekend! Everyone had fun dressing up to share and receive candy. Enjoy some pictures of this great event!
Thank you from Helen McVicar
Helen McVicar would like to thank her FPC church family for all the prayers, cards, calls, and concern during her recent TAVR procedure. She is now home and doing much better. You can send her an email at: hmcv@tds.net
The Light Team
Mondays from 1:00 – 2:30 pm
FPC Gathering Place
The Light Team is a group of women who meet for fellowship and a Bible message each week on Mondays in the Gathering Place from 1-2:30. These will take place through Nov. and Dec. and start up again in Jan. through April. All are welcome. There is no required homework and refreshments are offered.

The deadline is extended until November 8! The FPC Deacons will be sending out care packages to college students and military personnel. We will send these in early November. If you have someone in the military or a college student who could use a little TLC in the form of a care package, please provide their name and address by calling or emailing the church office.
Student Ministry Newsletter

Join us in the youth room on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for connection with others, watching funny videos, and having meaningful discussions about the relevance of God in our lives. Plus, you can also meet up with us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.
Read this week’s newsletter for music, laughs, and upcoming Graceland events.

Bring your coffee or snack to connect with your Church Family in our “Virtual Lobby” from 12:00-12:15 pm next Sunday, November 7. We would love to see the faces of our virtual service attenders. Kids are welcome too!
Meeting ID: 830 8172 9572
Passcode: fpc

All Congregation Meeting

The annual fall congregational meeting will be NEXT Sunday, November 14, after the first service. If you are attending the Traditional Service, please stay for a few minutes after the service. This meeting is to vote in the new elders and deacons.

Join us at Geeks Mania in Madison on Sunday, November 14, for UNLIMITED VIDEO GAMES! $5 per person. Students are welcome to bring their entire family or simply join us on your own for a fun time hanging together. All Student Ministry Families are invited (teens, siblings, and parents.) Sign up to reserve your spot!

M.O.P.S. and Mops next is this Tuesday, November 9, at 6:45pm in the Fellowship Hall! If you are an early childhood mom (newborn- Kindergarten), or a mom of school age children or teens, please join us in a time of fun, connection, and support.

Christa Schmeelk requests prayers for her friend, Deanna, just diagnosed with breast cancer – she is 41. Please pray for Deanna, her husband, Waldo, and their three children.

Our deepest sympathies and prayers for Doug and Julie Fiers and family in the passing of Doug’s father, Frederick (Bud) Fiers. Bud passed away in La Crosse on Wednesday, October 27.
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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