Pentecost Sunday

Two thousand years ago 120 people gathered in an upper room to pray. The Holy Spirit was given to them and they were empowered to share the Good News of the Gospel. God wants to pour out His Holy Spirit again on those who are ready to receive. Are we ready?
Worship online this Sunday and hear Ezrah Schmeelk, Director of Student Ministry, teach us about “Living By The Spirit.” Be sure to check the bulletin for a link to additional resources for A Spirit Filled Life.
Vacation Bible School Update

In an effort to keep our beloved kids and volunteers safe from the still prevalent risk of Coronavirus we have made the tough decision to cancel in-person Vacation Bible School this year at FPC.
We will, however, offer a free three-day online Staycation Bible School in August for kids and families to do at home! We are excited to share with you on August 2, BOLT Towards Faith In Jesus! This online program is packed with Bible story videos, crafts, and even off-line games for your whole family to play! Check this video below to learn more:
The original VBS plan for the Rocky Railway will be taking riders next year. So, go ahead and mark your calendars for June 20-24, 5-8pm, 2021!
Keep sending us your family photos!

We’ve received several photos and requests for FOOF wall picture usage. Thanks, family! Please keep these photos coming!
We can either use your FPC directory photo, or you can take a “headshot” of each of your family members and send it to Janna Leslie, our Communications Specialist, will print it out the pictures and our Fellowship team will start placing them in the pews. Questions? Please contact Kate Dietry, Fellowship Elder.
Shepherding the Flock:
A summary of the May, 2020 Session Meeting
Submitted by: Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
The Session of FPC is monitoring the weekly and sometimes daily information and guidelines being put out about coronavirus. We have decided to keep Sunday morning worship online for now. Session will revisit this issue at their June meeting.
Our building is officially closed although necessary groups of no more than ten continue to meet to produce the worship service. Staff continues to work from home.
Our PPP loan runs out the end of May. Please continue to support FPC financially.
Fellowship is providing communion kits to be picked up at church for use on communion Sundays.
Our new director of Children’s Ministry, Patricia Coley, will start June 10. Watch for Staycation VBS to be held in August. Ezrah Schmeelk, our Director of Student Ministry, will be on sabbatical from June 1 through August 31. John Englehardt, our student ministry elder, will be the one to go to if any student ministry needs arise.
We are working to prepare classes and activities hoping they will resume in the fall. In the meantime, we are urging everyone to stay well.
Video Devotional: “Be Strong and Courageous”
Bethel Series Executive Director and FPC member, Rev. Jeff Quinto, tells us to “Be Strong and Courageous” in this video devotion based on Joshua 1:5-9.
Stephen Ministry

We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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