All Congregational Meeting | Sunday, June 13
Immediately following the outdoor service
Let’s go fly a kite–with Dad!
Check out this new Fellowship event for Father’s Day! Following the church service on Sunday June 20th from 10-11am, we will be working with the wind in the outdoor family space by flying kites to honor dad. Bring your own kites and let’s see how many of them we can send soaring! Let’s fill the FPC property with colorful kites!
No registration needed!

This weekend we will honor all those that are currently serving or have previously served our country. Our wreath layer this year is Ralph Roepke who served in the US Navy. If you are not able to join us in person on Sunday, you can download a PDF of this year’s list of FPC service members, past and present, which also contains a short biography for Ralph.

Send us your grad info!
It’s your last chance to send in your info for participation in Graduation Sunday. Here’s what we need to know to add your graduate to the service:
- Name of graduate and graduate’s parent’s names.
- Graduate photo
- Name of school
- A sentence about how the FPC family has provided support or how your interaction at FPC has made a positive impact on your life.
Send your email to Ezrah Schmeelk, Director of Student Ministry, by May 31!

What: Summer Sunday Worship Service
When: June 6, 2021-August 29, 2021
Where: Outdoor Family Space
Time: 9:00 am
Bring: A lawn chair
Say YES to: Social distancing, masks optional

New Daily Bread-Large Print Now Available
The large print issues, which devotions start with the month of July, are now available. Stop by the church to pick up your copy in the tote outside the front door. .

More upcoming events:
TOMORROW! Sunday School End of Year Celebration
Saturday, May 29 | 4pm
Outdoor Family Space

We’re celebrating the end of the school year with s’mores and presenting the preschoolers and 6th graders with their Bibles. Bring a chair or blanket to this event in the Outdoor Family Space!
Questions? Email Patricia Coley, Director of Children’s Ministry
Rocky Railway VBS
June 21-23 | 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Full steam ahead for 3 rockin’ nights on the rails! We are thrilled to offer a multi-age Family Outdoor VBS at FPC. Join us in FPC’s backyard on June 21-23 at 5:30-7:30 pm. No meal will be served but take some delicious snacks to chew-chew on at home.
Because our volunteers will not be able to be “hands on” to help, we ask each crew signing up to provide their own adult crew leader–Mom, Dad, Grandma or all!
Register Now: $25 for the first passenger and $15 for each sibling. Adults and volunteers board for free! (Space is limited to a maximum of 110 travelers.) Register using the link below to confirm your train ticket! Registration is open to FPC families first. (Don’t take a chance waiting for the caboose!)
Email Patricia Coley, Director of Children’s Ministry, with any questions.
Volunteers needed to help assist travelers on the Rocky Railway!
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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