Our FPC Family at Home: Staying Connected During the Quarantine
Krista Wallace and her girls are making play dough! In the video above you can watch how to add coloring after the dough has cooled. Here’s the recipe:
Cooked Playdough
1/2 c. salt
1 c. water
1 c. flour
1 T. oil2 tsp. cream of tartar
Combine in saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickens into a ball. Remove from pan and knead. Add food coloring as desired and knead it in. Protect your counter top from food color staining by using something like waxed paper. It will easily keep several years if stored in an airtight container.
What are YOU doing at home? Send a link of your 1-2 minute video to communications@myfpc.org so we can share it in an upcoming Connector.

Living Faith Together, But at Least 6 Feet Apart.
For now, the church office is physically closed. Staff members are continuing to serve the church remotely, and are available to help you by phone or email.
For more information, call 608-949-9445 or email info@myfpc.org.
You can read the letter to the church about suspending all church gatherings here.
Google Classroom for Children’s Ministry
In Last Sunday’s online service Pastor Ben’s reminded us that even though many things have been cancelled, our families have not been cancelled, love has not been cancelled, helping others has not been cancelled, learning has not been cancelled, living faith together has not been cancelled, hope has not been cancelled.
In keeping with that message, Children’s ministry is pleased to now offer a Google Classroom for our Sunday School lessons. We will have content available for each week’s Sunday School lesson, as well as links to the Children’s Choir and Worship Warriors music. An email to join will be sent to families. We look forward to connecting with our children in a way that is familiar to them.
Practical Help for Parents
From Melissa Schall, Children’s Ministry Elder
“Why can’t I go see my friends?”
“YES! No school…wait, what? Online classes for real?”
How LONG will we be home?”
“MOM, we’re out of Doritos!”
“Why do I have to go to bed? It’s not like there’s school tomorrow.”
“Kids won’t really get sick, right?”
“The news just said….”
Are you getting any of these questions at your house? We’re all attempting to navigate this rapidly changing situation with limited information that seems to change hourly. Our children look to us for knowledge about COVID-19 and how it will impact our family and our community. This is a challenge for parents!
I would like to share an article that provides some practical ideas for parenting during a pandemic. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it. It ties in well with last Sunday’s message. Our faith is built on a strong foundation. Let us rely on our Father as we guide our children during these uncertain times.
Stephen Ministry

We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
Friends of State Street Families: BAGS Update
Amid the many concerns about the COVID-19 virus, the Friends of State Street Families Board has decided to suspend our Meal Train program (called BAGS at FPC) for the time being, as the handling of fresh foods could lead to possible contamination. We will be moving to distribute only non-perishable snack packs. Donors can assemble no-hunger packs or purchase non-perishable snacks in bulk and we can identify a drop off point.
If you are interested in donating non-perishiable food for distribution, contact Sue Truitt of the Mission Team at sueschool246@gmail.com