FPC’s response to the Coronavirus
There will be a special meeting of church Elders the evening of Friday, March 13 to discuss the appropriate response to the viral threat. Please pray for God’s wisdom and discernment as they navigate our church family during this season of uncertainty.
With the help of Dr. Marybeth Baker, a church memeber, we have determined current steps to take to reduce the transmission of illness in our congregation. You can read the letter here.
However, the situation seems to be changing by the day and we must meet the challenges as they are presented. Stay tuned for updates after the Session meeting this evening. Notifications will be sent out through email, posted on myfpc.org and Facebook page, and on the electronic sign.
Stay healthy, FPC family!
A Focus on Stephen Ministry
In the book of Acts, Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. Since the time of the Apostles, caring ministry has been considered a hallmark of the Christian faith community.
As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care for people with a wide range of needs— grief, divorce, unemployment, hospitalization, a spiritual crisis, financial stress, infertility, rehabilitation after an injury, terminal illness, relocation, long-term disability, and many other life difficulties.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.

This Wednesday, Have Breakfast for Dinner!

Lenten Dinners continue on Wednesday, March 18. For those of you that are not traveling over spring break, come enjoy delicious breakfast options for dinner. The Fellowship team will be serving up quiche, french toast, muffins and fruit. And don’t forget the coffee!
Meals begins at 5:30 and are followed by a 30 minute devotion ending at 6:45. Please RSVP by the Monday before the dinner so we can plan food accordingly. See you then!
Final Four Pizza Party – Canceled
Because of the decision of the NCAA, this event will not take place. Sorry, FPC Family!
Be a Prayer Warrior for FPC Families
Our next meeting is Sunday, April 5
We are building an informal group of adults age 55 and up that will meets to discuss desires and prayers for our own families as well as the families of FPC. Christa Schmeelk, Director of Familiy Ministry, will provide specific prayer requests from the Children, Family, and Student Ministries for you to take home and pray about for the next 30 days.
The family prayer warriors will meet in the Conference Room during the Sunday School hour 9:50-10:35am: April 5 and May 3. Feel free to invite anyone who might be interested.
Questions? Email Christa Schmeelk at cschmeelk@myfpc.org.
Lent Toiletries Drive

Our Lent Toiletries Drive for Waunakee Neighborhood Connection starts on Sunday, March 22 and lasts through Easter Sunday on April 12. There will be a WNC purple container in the Gathering Place where you can drop off items. WNC is specifically looking for: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, and feminine products. Questions? Email Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, at cschmeelk@myfpc.org.
Friends of State Street Families: BAGS Update
Amid the many concerns about the COVID-19 virus, the Friends of State Street Families Board has decided to suspend our Meal Train program (called BAGS at FPC) for the time being, as the handling of fresh foods could lead to possible contamination. We will be moving to distribute only non-perishable snack packs. Donors can assemble no-hunger packs or purchase non-perishable snacks in bulk and we can identify a drop off point.
If you are interested in donating non-perishiable food for distribution, contact Sue Truitt of the Mission Team at sueschool246@gmail.com
March Mission Focus – Outreach for World Hope

OWH has been working in Guatemala since 2005 to save the lives of starving children through sponsorship, while at the same time providing pathways out of poverty through education and sustainable agriculture programs. OWH will be the focus throughout March and will end on “Sponsorship Sunday” March 22. Prayerfully consider sponsoring a child over the next few weeks and perhaps be prepared to make a commitment at the end of this month. If you’d like more information, email Sue Truitt of the Mission Team at sueschool246@gmail.com.

May Family with sponsored child.

Stener Knutson visiting sponsored family.

Sue and Steve Hallweg with sponsored child
Shepherding the Flock:
A summary of the February, 2020 Session Meeting
Submitted by: Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
Session is now complete with the ordination of Doug Brown as Personnel Elder. Doug was elected at a special congregational meeting February 16 and ordained at the beginning of the February Session meeting.
Sydney Tasker has been hired as Children’s Ministry Assistant.
We celebrated Sam Robinson’s fifteen years as director of Joyful Noise and in March will celebrate Pat Ronspiez’s thirty-five years as organist.
We are looking for a new Children’s Ministry director.
Eleven children participated in FPC’s FPC, and thirty-five middle and high school students attended their respective retreats.
January giving was up and spending down, so our projected pledged income should now last until late November. Alan is working on a financial report schedule for the Connector.
We replaced the furnace and air conditioner in the Gathering Space. There is a possibility of a second church entrance. There are pros and cons and the decision will be made later.
Mission is expanding their missions and looking for more committee members. Details for the next Guatemala trip will be presented in March.
We are Seeking a New Director of Children’s Ministry
If you or someone you know might be interested in the best job ever, please reach out to Doug Brown, Personnel Elder, who will be handling the recruitment process. Read the job posting here.