Worship Music Inspires Dancing!
Funmi Abraham shared this video of their young boys dancing and praising God (and Dad singing along!) during the worship music from the weekend online service. Enjoy this uplifting peek into this FPC’s family home during worship. Thanks Funmi, for sharing this moment with us!
What’s happening at your house? Send any videos, pictures or stories of your family to communications@myfpc.org that can be shared in upcoming Connectors. Remember, we’re Living Faith Together!
Communion-At-Home Pickup

We are trying something new! As we continue to navigate the changes and challenges presented by Covid 19, your Fellowship Team is coordinating FPC’s first-ever drive-through for picking up Communion elements.
THIS Saturday, June 6, members of the Fellowship Team will be at the main entrance of FPC from 1:00-3:00pm. We have pre-packaged Communion elements to distribute to anyone who would like to have them on hand for Communion Sunday (June 7). Once you tell us how many elements you need, we will place them in a ziplock bag and put them either in the backseat or trunk of your car – whichever you prefer.
Why are we doing this? Well, first of all, it is our hope that this event will help us continue to be a connected worshiping community. Secondly, it gives us a chance to greet all of you who choose to drive up – you will only see half of our smiling faces behind our facemasks as we maintain social distance, but you will know that you are loved and missed and prayed for. And we further hope that you will be feeling all of those things as you take Communion in your home on Sunday. The weather forecast indicates that Saturday will be a great day for a drive out to church – stop by between 1:00 and 3:00 to get your virtual hugs along with juice and wafers.

BUT WAIT! There’s more…
Carolyn Harris is sharing individually-potted butternut squash plants for anyone to add to their home garden. There is a limited quantity of plants and and they will will be given away “first come, first served” at the communion-at-home drive through. So, come early squash lovers! One plant per car, please.

This Weekend’s Message:

What if we stopped thinking of Christ as “up there” or “out there” or even “beside me” or “with me,” but instead thought of Him as INSIDE US, giving us strength from the inside out! That’s the gift of our passage from Ephesians 3: 14-19.
Join us online for this message, which is especially meaningful as we participate in communion-at-home together this Sunday.
Soar Kenya Academy Update
If you didn’t catch the update on the SOAR Academy in Kenya last weekend, check out a video that outlines what has been accomplished with the generous donations from our FPC family.
Even though the virus outbreak has shut down the school, they are continuing to help the community by installing hand washing stations, providing soap, supplying food to the isolated, most vulnerable in the community, and the purchase of supplies to sew and distribute masks. Overall, your donations are making a big impact at SOAR Acdademy. Thank you!

Graceland Summer Newsletter
Original plans for the high-school group this summer included bonfires, Bible studies, serving at the River Food Pantry, game nights, and more. These plans have been put on hold as we wait to see how countywide restrictions change. As the summer progresses, we plan to offer opportunities to connect either virtually or in person. Get all the info in the Graceland Summer newsletter below:
After nearly 8 years at FPC, Ezrah Schmeelk, the Director of Student Ministry wil be on sabbatical this summer from June 1st – August 31st, 2020. He will be taking time to connect with God through study and spend time with his family. We are looking forward to seeing a fully refreshed Ezrah in the fall. If you see Ezrah during his sabbatical, definitely say hello! He is always happy to interact with the FPC students. However, for specific questions about church and youth group, contact John Englehardt, Elder for Student Ministry. John is stepping in while Ezrah takes this time for rest from planning and organizing church activities.

Porchlight Asks for Volunteers
Porchlight is asking for volunteers to do nightly health assessments at the Warner Park Men’s shelter at 1625 Northport Drive from 5pm to 8pm. Volunteers will be given gloves and N95 masks and training. Interested? Please email Kim Sutter at ksutter@porchlightinc.org
Video Devotional: “Do Not Be Anxious About Anything!”
Bethel Series Executive Director and FPC member, Rev. Jeff Quinto, provides this video devotion based on Philippians 4:4-7.
Call for Father’s Day images
A special recognition is being planned for Father’s Day weekend. If you would like your father or grandfather to be included, send videos or pictures to communications@myfpc.org. We would like to see videos of Dads interacting with their kids in everyday life… playing games, cooking in the kitchen, enjoying outside activities. If Grandfathers are separated from family, you could send us images of grandpa holding pictures of the grandkids. Have your photos or videos submitted by June 15.
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