Together Tuesdays in the staff hallway!
The staff is back and up to the regular shenanigans on Together Tuesdays when we are all back in the office at the same time for collaboration and bi-weekly staff meetings. While our regular office hours—when the door is open for your visits—are Monday through Wednesday from 10 am – 4 pm, the staff is working remotely and readily available to answer any questions over phone or email.

What a great ride on the Rocky Railway!

Our trip on the Rocky Railway VBS train pulled back into the station this past Wednesday. An important part of VBS this year was an outreach called Operation Kid to Kid in which we collected non-perishable food items for the Waunakee Food Pantry. We filled our train so other kids have food to ‘chew-chew’ on when they need it. We are going to continue to collect food items to fill our train until Sunday! Then this food train will pull out of the FPC station to make the journey to the Waunakee Food pantry.
Pastor Kirk climbed up on the playground equipment to capture… This amazing photo of the heavens shining down on VBS!

Shepherding the Flock
June Session Meeting Summary
Submitted by Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
The Session welcomed Scott Legwold, our new Adult Nurture and Spiritual Growth Elder. We had a busy meeting.
Two big COVID-19 decisions were made. The Session lifted all building restrictions put in place for non-worship service events. The Elders also lifted all music restrictions for both indoor and outdoor worship services. We decided worship services will continue to be outside. We will continue to review this. We will discuss the possibility of moving back inside at our next Session meeting in July. VBS will still be an outside family event as previously planned.
We set FPC office hours as 10 am-4 pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday through September 1.
We revisited FPC’s Long Range Plan. Session annually reevaluates what has been accomplished, current and future needs, and expenses, and our longer term vision.
The Fellowship Team will begin having prepackaged snacks and water bottles at the outdoor worship services beginning on Father’s Day.
We voted to discontinue allowing non-member weddings at FPC. There have not been any since 2018, they do not seem to bring new members to FPC, and they create extra stress and work for our church staff.
Session will hold a special meeting to address a personnel issue in the next few days.
Session Changes
Elder Shane Fisher has decided to resign from his role as an Elder on our Session. We want to take this opportunity to thank him for his time of service to FPC. We commit to him our continued prayers and care as he continues on his journey of faith.
The baptism of Brooks Scott Kurth

Last week, in the outdoor service, Brooks Scott Kurth was baptized. Brooks is the son of Brandon & Krista Kurth, born on June 16, 2020. His grandparents are Terry & Kathy Kurth, Bruce & Diane Schewe, and Shellie Schewe. His sponsors are Andrew Kurth and Nicolle Ward.
More upcoming events and information:
A visitation reminder…
Under current restrictions, hospitals are allowing patients to receive only 1 visitor each day (except clergy, who can go anytime). Before visiting the hospital, check with the family to verify that you can be that day’s visit. Watch upcoming Connectors for updates to these hospital visitation rules.
Communication volunteers needed!
Are you technically savvy and interested in learning aspects of updating the FPC website and other entry-level tasks of communications at FPC? If you are high-school age or older and interested in this internship-like position, send an email to to learn more about this volunteer opportunity.
Do you have a heart for serving and reaching people for Christ?
The Mission team is looking for members to develop and promote mission projects in our community and around the world. Interested in getting more information? Email Glenn Myers, Mission Team Elder.
Fellowship Hour is back!
Fellowship hour is back! Water will be provided during and after the outdoor worship services and single-serve snacks will be available after the service. Stick around to chat with friends. Hope to see you there!
COMING SOON! An all-church BBQ…
This event is in the works for sometime this summer. So, stay tuned to upcoming Connectors for more info on what is sure to be a fun time of fellowship and sharing delicious food!
Daily Bread-Large Print
Now Available

The large print issues with devotions starting in July are now available. Stop by the church to pick up your copy in the tote outside the front door.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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