Happy Birthday, Sue Gade!

FPC staff surprised Sue Gade, our Church Business Administrator, on a milestone birthday this week with a decorated office and a cheery rendition of Happy Birthday! We are so thankful to Sue for her years of dedicated work supporting not only the folks in the staff hallway but our church as a whole. Happy Birthday, Sue. We love you and appreciate you!

Thanks from the crew of the Rocky Railway

Choo Choo, I want to THANK YOU!!
What a ride as we learned to “Trust Jesus” at Vacation Bible School last week! We have so many people to thank for making this year’s Rocky Railway VBS “TRAIN-tastic”!
It was “tram-endous” to see so many smiling faces having fun and learning that Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through. Thank you to all of the participants for coming to VBS, it was “freight” to see you all there!
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped along the way so we could say “All Aboard” and for helping us stay “on track with Jesus”. This year was like no other and I appreciate everyone’s “engine-uity”. A special thank you to the decorators, and donation of the railroad sign, train sets and kites, you really made everything look “at-track-tive!” And thank you to our staff working the sound system so all of the “engine-ears” could hear the message and songs. Thank you to those who stood on the “platform” to “express” their faith and lead worship. And thanks to our “station” leaders who kept the momentum going throughout the evening.
Planning and organizing our wonderful VBS is harder than it “steams” because there are so many details to keep “track” of! A very special thank you to Patricia and Lori for keeping everything “chugging along”!
VBS is truly an all-church event, and I am sincerely grateful to our entire church family for supporting VBS and Children’s Ministry. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Melissa Schall
Children’s Ministry Elder

Father’s Day Kites

We enjoyed Father’s day kite flying despite some lackluster winds. However, It was a beautiful day to be outside. We learned how the right kite can fly in light winds. Of course, just as we were packing up to end the event, the winds picked up! We got 5 kites in the air at once! Only one kite took a nose-dive onto a vehicle!
Welcome New Members!

We welcome new members, Sam and Shirley Shugar, to the congregation at FPC. Sam is retired from a career in telecommunications and Shirley is retired from a career in nursing. They joined FPC after experiencing the friendliness and energy of the congregation after family members, Kristin and Brian Kolby, became active at FPC. We’re happy that you’re an official part of the FPC family!
Video Devotion: Stewards of the Earth
Reverend Jeff Quinto, Executive Director of “The Bethel Series” and member of FPC shares his video devotion that talks about his love of nature starting when he was a boy climbing trees and romping in the woods in Brown County, Indiana and uses verses in Genesis 1-2 that speak to the gift of nature and our responsibilities associated with that gift.
More upcoming events and information:
A visitation reminder…
Under current restrictions, hospitals are allowing patients to receive only 1 visitor each day (except clergy, who can go anytime). Before visiting the hospital, check with the family to verify that you can be that day’s visit. Watch upcoming Connectors for updates to these hospital visitation rules.
Do you have a heart for serving and reaching people for Christ?
The Mission team is looking for members to develop and promote mission projects in our community and around the world. Interested in getting more information? Email Glenn Myers, Mission Team Elder.
New Service Opportunities at FPC
Communications Volunteer: Are you tech savvy and interested in learning aspects of updating the FPC website and other entry-level tasks of communications at FPC? We are looking for someone high-school age or older for this internship-like position.
Camera Operator: Our online service video team is looking to add a camera operator to our Wednesday morning recording sessions. This volunteer position requires experience with different camera settings and lighting situations, and some production experience would be helpful.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, send an email to communications@myfpc.org to learn more.

Fellowship Hour is back!
Fellowship hour is back! Water will be provided during and after the outdoor worship services and single-serve snacks will be available after the service. Stick around to chat with friends. Hope to see you there!
Daily Bread-Large Print
Now Available

The large print issues with devotions starting in July are now available. Stop by the church to pick up your copy in the tote outside the front door.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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