Mission Focus for February:
Friends of the State Street Family
Our Mission is to alleviate human suffering by providing help and hope to people experiencing homelessness in Dane County. The values we anchor to are dignity, collaboration, friendship, trust and community.
From the Friends of the state street family Mission
Our February focus is The Meal Train Outreach for Friends of State Street Families–sack meals that are distributed to Madison’s homeless. We will prepare about 4-6 dozen individually wrapped sandwiches, add a few items to make a full meal and then deliver all the bags to the FSSF Outreach team. FPC sandwich makers are needed! If you are interested in helping, contact the advisor team: Luisa or Bella Lutes or email Sue Truitt in the link below.
On Sunday, February 2, twelve of FPC’s children will participate in their First Public Communion. With the support of their parents,these kids will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of the act of communion and their desire to be in relationship with Christ.
Let us, as a congregation, support their decision and declaration:
At the 8:45 Service:
- Carter Knowles, age 9
- Henry Lundquist, age 8
- Olivia Lundquist, age 6
- Jackson Rosenstock, age 12
- Quinn Temple, age 8
- Nora Wallace, age 9
At the 10:45 Service
- Marcus Brown, age 7
- Carsten Cable, age 7
- Addison Heather Groene, age 11
- Olivia Redford, age 7
- Ivy Strangfeld, age 9
- Vivian Welwood, age 8
The All Congregational Annual Meeting
On Sunday, January 26th, the entire congregation was invited to have lunch together, review successes and highlights from 2019, and learn what FPC is planning for 2020. If you were not able to attend but would like a printed copy or a digital PDF of the Annual Report, email Sue Gade, Church Business Administrator in the link below.
An Inspiring Call to Service from Outgoing Elder
“I truly believe a church is the strongest, not through its numbers, not through its finances, but through fellowship and learning and serving with others.”
Bill Baker, the outgoing Finance Elder, wrote a letter to Session that was so uplifting, it needed to be shared church-wide.
Beloved Children’s Ministry Director Steps Back into a Volunteer Role
Lori Phelps, Children’s Ministry Director, will be moving to a volunteer support role for FPC’s widely successful VBS Program.
Book Discussion for Parents & Grandparents
Sunday, February 2 | 9:50am FPC Conference Rm
If you have an adult child, you know that parenting doesn’t stop when a child reaches the age of eighteen. In many ways, it gets more complicated. Explore positive principles on bringing kids back to faith, ideas on how to leave a legacy as a grandparent, and encouragement for your ever-changing role as a parent with other parents in a safe and encouraging gathering.
The first half of the book will be discussed on Sunday, February 2 at 9:50am in the Conference Room. Be a part of this upcoming book-discussion by emailing Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry.
Network 56: Pizza and Bowling
Sunday, February 9th | Noon – 2pm
All 5th and 6th graders will meet at the Waunakee Rocky Rococco’s at 12 noon for pizza, then we’ll bowl until 2:00 at Waunabowl. Bring your friends! All are welcome.
Wanted: Bulletin Wranglers
Are you free on Thursday afternoons for about an hour? If so, we invite YOU to become a Wrangler of Bulletins or Deputy Bulletin Assembler.
We are seeking two volunteers each week to cut/fold and assemble the bulletins. This all takes less than an hour. No previous experience needed! To find out more about this opportunity, please contact Alka Van Haren, Assistant to the Pastors, in the link below. Training and treats will be provided 😉