Happy New Year! Here are some things to look forward to in 2021:
In-Person Worship!

You’re Invited to our first In-Person Worship in 2021 Sunday, February 7, at 10:00 am. Celebrate in the sanctuary with us in a COVID-conscious way! Stay tuned to upcoming Connectors for more details.
Session has also decided to open the church for business in accordance with the recommendations approved by Session in September 2020:
- The office is open for business by appointment only. There is not a drop-by option at this time. Please call the office to check on the availability of staff and to make an appointment.
- Various rooms in the building can be secured for use by church-related groups, by reservation only. There is no drop-by and use-a-room option at this time. Please call the office to ask about room availability and to make a reservation.
- Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC ) COVID 19 protocols are to be followed at all times while in the church facility.
Virtual Watch Party Groups for
“The Chosen”

“The Chosen” is the first-ever multi-season series based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ and was designed to be watched for FREE. “The Chosen” is the first-ever-multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. “The Chosen” allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew Him. No matter where you are at in your journey with Jesus Christ, this TV show is for you. Keep your eye out for more information about these watch-party groups forming soon!
In the meantime, you can learn more about the series here: https://studios.vidangel.com/the-chosen/
New Virtual Women’s Bible Study
A five-session Bible study going over different Psalms and discovering how to be women that are desperate to know God. Group info coming soon!
Bingo Bash!

We’re going, you guessed it–VIRTUAL–this year. But we’re going to blast the fun right through your screen! Plan to join us on January 27. More details to come!
Virtual African American History Course

Nehemiah, a local nonprofit led by Rev. Dr. Alex Gee, is offering a virtual African American History Course in February and March of 2021 on Monday nights from 7-9pm. From the Nehemiah website:
“Our purpose is to understand how the African-American experience has shaped the world we all live in, and how allies can find roles supporting racial justice today. We will lead this process without the use of guilt, finger-pointing, or propaganda, and lead from a place of compassion, community, and understanding. Rooting ourselves in our history, and understanding how we got here, will help us move forward together to make a better world and a stronger Madison.”
Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry at FPC, is happy to be able to offer a connection point for those interested in participating in the class. There will also be an opportunity to continue a discussion through a virtual small group to talk about this topic from a faith perspective. Email Christa through the button below if you are interested or if you would like more information.
Shepherding the Flock
December Session Meeting Summary
Submitted by Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
Our FPC Deacons are very active. They have been sending cards to our older congregational members, providing meals and socially distanced meetings as needed, and were able to send the annual care packages early this year.
Our annual mission tree giving raised over $3,000 to help those in need.
FPC hosted a Red Cross blood drive. We received a very grateful thank-you note saying they collected enough blood to save approximately 153 lives.
We discussed the current pledge drive results and began prepping the budget for 2021. Pledges are down so far, and there may need to be some cuts in the budget. Session will probably hold a special budget meeting to finish preparing the budget for the annual congregational meeting in January. We initiated our new radio transmission system at the special congregational meeting in December which gave Session permission to call a virtual congregational meeting if needed.
The air filtration system for all fourteen of our HVAC systems has been upgraded and Building and Grounds is working hard to make our building clean and safe.
We discussed Sunday services. We voted to continue the virtual service indefinitely and begin in-person services the first week of February. This will be a shortened service much like the outdoor services we had this fall.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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