Session Addresses 2022 Budget Challenges
Shepherding the Flock: January Session Report
Submitted by Lolly Lawrence, Clerk of Session
- The Church was made aware of a recommendation from the Wisconsin Council of Churches urging congregations to return to remote worship for 4-6 weeks, in the face of the highly transmissible Omicron variant of the Covid virus. We also received communication from Rev. Chaz Ruark, Executive Presbyter from John Knox Presbytery which said, in part, that the John Knox Presbytery does not have the authority to require congregations to go virtual, but they encourage Sessions to discuss the current situation and make the decision that best fits for their community. After a brief discussion, the FPC Session decided unanimously to continue to meet in person for worship.
- Pastor Ben’s contract was renewed for 2022.
- Session sent an email with budget and staffing updates as well as a response from the Worship and Music Elder, Erik Cushman. The link to both email communications are provided below.
Join us after the second service in Fellowship Hall for FPC’s Annual Meeting on January 30.

Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children!

With anxiety at epidemic levels among our children, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents offers a contrarian yet effective approach to help children and teens push through their fears, worries, and phobias to ultimately become more resilient, independent, and happy.
How do you manage a child who gets stomachaches every school morning, who refuses after-school activities, or who is trapped in the bathroom with compulsive washing? Children like these put a palpable strain on frustrated, helpless parents and teachers. And there is no escaping the problem: One in every five kids suffers from a diagnosable anxiety disorder.
Unfortunately, when parents or professionals offer help in traditional ways, they unknowingly reinforce a child’s worry and avoidance. From their success with hundreds of organizations, schools, and families, Reid Wilson, PhD, and Lynn Lyons, LICSW, share their unconventional approach of stepping into uncertainty in a way that is currently unfamiliar but infinitely successful. Using current research and contemporary examples, the book exposes the most common anxiety-enhancing patterns—including reassurance, accommodation, avoidance, and poor problem solving—and offers a concrete plan with 7 key principles that foster change. And, since new research reveals how anxious parents typically make for anxious children, the book offers exercises and techniques to change both the children’s and the parental patterns of thinking and behaving.
This book challenges our basic instincts about how to help fearful kids and will serve as the antidote for an anxious nation of kids and their parents.
Join us as we read this book together in 2 parts. If you have already read this book, we invite you to read it again with us!
In-Person Group: Wednesdays: February 9/March 9 at 7 pm
Virtual Group: Thursdays: February 10/March 10 7-8 pm on Zoom
Student Ministry Updates

Join us in the youth room on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for connection with others, watching funny videos, and having meaningful discussions about the relevance of God in our lives. Plus, you can also meet up with us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.
Read this week’s newsletter for music, laughs, and upcoming Graceland events.
Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to Thanks!

Executive Presbyter Chaz Ruark visits FPC

Sunday, January 30, 2022
Chaz will be coming to visit FPC and preach at both services. In between services, he will be available to explain the upcoming pastoral succession process and to answer any questions.

FPC’s Confirmation Journey is getting ready to begin and is open to all current high school students. The class will be meeting on Sundays beginning February 6 through Confirmation Sunday on April 24. Please reach out to Ezrah Schmeelk, our Director of Student Ministry if you are interested or have any questions.
Sign up by Sunday, January 30!

Children’s First Publicly Recognized Communion
Sunday, Feb. 6
For families who wish to publicly recognize this important moment in their child’s faith journey, we invite them to come forward to receive communion during our worship services on February 6. To get ready for this day, Contact Christa Schmeelk or call the church office for more information.

FPC is looking for someone to help in the nursery. We have one person ready to help, but we need two people to run the nursery. If interested, please contact the church office.
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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