We need YOU to volunteer for Live Nativity 2020!
Sign up today to be a part of the 2020 Live Nativity event this year on December 19 from 5-7pm. We are looking for 3-4 family groups to participate in two 60-minute time slots:
- One household for Mary and Joseph
- One household for the 3 kings
- Two households for 2 groups of shepherds
We’d prefer to have the 3 kings part of Mary and Joseph’s household, but they could be separated in the scene by 6 feet. We also need 3 people to greet traffic in each 60-minute shift. If you would like to be involved, sign up online in the button below.
Each cast member will be contacted to schedule a time to receive their costumes at home. Cast members should arrive 15 minutes early already in costume before the shift begins. A time will be scheduled after the event to pick up each cast member’s costumes.
We look forward to you being part of FPC’s 2020 Live Nativity and continuing the FPC tradition of providing our “Christmas card” to the community.
Joy in Advent

This weekend’s message in the Advent Series, The Best Gifts of Christmas, will focus on The Gift of Joy and the idea that joy is different from happiness, is deeper and less dependent on the fluctuations of circumstance. Join us online after 6am on Sundays for this Advent message on joy based on Luke 2:10.
Special Congregational Meeting
A Special Congregational Meeting has been called for Sunday, December 20, at 11:00 am in the upper parking lot at FPC. The purpose of the meeting is to give Session permission to call an online congregational meeting if needed. Attendees are asked to remain in their cars and tune to a radio station that will be announced on a sign board. Voting will be by flashing head lights.
Yes, this sounds paradoxical: an “in person/in cars” meeting to vote to authorize an online meeting? We are as surprised as you are, but it is a Presbytery requirement coming from “on high” as it were. We can do it.
Storybook Countdown for Kids

We are 10 books into our Christmas Storybook countdown. If you missed it thus far but still want to be a part of it, let us know! These stories are good for all ages. Grab some cookies and milk and get cozy as your friends from FPC read you a story to get you in the Christmas mood.
Contact Patricia Coley at pcoley@myfpc.org to be added to the email list.
Waunakee Neighbors Cover Models

Check out the cover of the December issue of Waunakee Neighbors!
In the most recent issue, Kirk and Faith are the subjects of Waunakee’s magazine Resident Feature. The article, written by Jeff Statz, tells the story of Kirk and Faith, how they met in high school, pursued travel and separate career paths, and eventually found their way back to each other. Kirk says in the article, “I proposed to her 21 years to the day after our first date in high school.”
In the 30 years that Kirk has pastored FPC, the article describes how Kirk and Faith have impacted the Waunakee community. Faith commented, “For the past 30 years, we have loved the fantastic people of Waunakee and the surrounding area…”
Don’t miss this fun article in the magazine that’s delivered to all Waunakee addresses.

Sharing Christmas Music
David Doty, son of Steve and Vicki Doty, is a talented music writer and arranger. Recently, the Dotys shared links to David’s website, DavidDotyMusic.com, which is offering lots of Christmas music options for you to enjoy! There are even Christmas carol lyric videos so you can sing along! Be sure to listen to “What Child is This.” It features David’s wife, Gloria, and the debut of granddaughter Abigail when she cries three times at the beginning of the song. Hah! Under the Music tab on the website you’ll find Christmas piano solos that make great soundtrack while you check off your holiday to-do list.
Making Beautiful Christmas Bows
For the past several years, the Fellowship Committee has hosted an event for people to get together and wrap Christmas gifts, with Toni Quinto showing us how to make beautiful bows for our packages. Since we are unable to do that this year, Toni very kindly and willingly put together this video so that everyone can watch online to learn how to create gorgeous bows that will make their Christmas gifts look extraordinary. All you need is some wire-edged ribbon, wrapped gifts, and a pair of scissors – you’ll be amazed at how beautiful your presents will look under the Christmas tree! Merry Christmas!

Drive Thru Blessing and Prayer
Sundays throughout Advent from 10-10:30am.
Drive to FPC on Sunday mornings during Advent to receive a blessing and or to make a specific prayer request. You can stay in your car and Christa Schmeelk, FPC Director of Family Ministry, will be masked and will pray for you under the canopy by the front doors of the church.

Begin your week with Virtual Meditation of Hope
Sundays during Advent at 4pm and 7pm
On Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec 13, or Dec 20, spend 15 minutes in a personal time of meditation with Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, using Breath prayer. Choose the time you want to participate, connect through the zoom link, find a comfortable seated position, and ready to breathe deeply and let scripture and prayer fill you up.
Sundays at 4pm:
Zoom Meeting ID: 869 5607 0450
Passcode: fpc
Sundays at 7pm:
Zoom Meeting ID: 847 2776 6251
Passcode: fpc
or use the links below:
Pastor’s Benevolence Fund
Are you a member or friend of FPC? Are you in financial distress? Can’t make a car payment? Not sure you will be able to pay your rent or your next mortgage payment? Having a tough time buying groceries? Are you afraid you won’t be able to buy food and also pay for your medicine? Our church might be able to help you. The Session has given me a “Pastor’s Benevolence Fund,” which I have used for years to assist some of our members and/or church families when they have faced some immediate need or acute financial distress. This help is confidential, comes from the giving of God’s people to FPC, and does not have to be paid back. If you could use some temporary assistance give me a call. God loves you, and so do we. – Pastor Kirk
Share the peace and promise of Christmas with Our Daily Bread!

**Large print issue now available!**
The Peace & Promise of Christmas, 10 Christmas Reflections from Our Daily Bread, have been delivered. They are in a plastic tote at the front of the church under the portico on the right side as you face the church. Stop by anytime to pick one up for yourself, your friend, or a neighbor, and discover how you can experience the peace and promise of Christmas!
Also available in the bin are the new December/January issues. Grab them both today.

Children’s Nativity Service
Each year FPC Children’s Ministry puts on a Children’s Nativity Service. We will not be able to join together to perform this year but we have an alternative way to still perform together (virtually). The combined performance will go out to the congregation on December 20th.
We are going to share the story of Jesus’ birth this year using the book What God Wants for Christmas.
There are several ways to participate:
- Be one of 7 families to interact with each “gift.” You will read a part of the book and open a gift. These gifts contain the pieces to complete the Nativity Scene. We will arrange a time to get you the gift to open.
- Record a child playing an instrument or singing a Christmas carol to add music to our service.
- Offer to narrate a short paragraph
- Send a picture of all the children in your house for the ending! (no video recording required!)
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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