Jump to this week’s announcements!

A New Hire for the Adult Choir!

We are pleased to announce that Liz Weller will direct the Adult Choir at FPC. Liz is married to Mark, and their family includes Ian and his wife, Jenna, and Garrett and his fiancé, Erin. Liz’s earliest music memory… learning “Jesus Loves Me” at VBS, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Ridgewood, NJ and then singing it again on Halloween (More details to be shared later). Liz is a retired Special Education Teacher and has directed choral groups in Madison, Prairie du Sac and Waunakee. In addition to singing at FPC, Liz plays percussion in Joyful Noise and sings with the Edgewood Chorale. She loves how music can be such a meaningful part of worship and looks forward to leading singers of all ability levels at FPC beginning September 21 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary.
Ezrah’s Starting Seminary!
FPC Family – It’s Back to School time!

I am thrilled to share with all of you that, alongside my calling and work as the Director of Student Ministry, I am beginning my journey toward a Master of Divinity degree from University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. I will be attending part time, and mostly online, starting in September. This process will take approximately 5-6 years. I am already picturing many of your happy faces reacting to this news – many of you have asked me over the years if this was something I might do in the future – and the time is here. I am so thankful for God’s provision and calling, and I am equally excited to continue with ministry to teenagers as I am further equipped for the work of God in the Body of Christ. I am praying that the Student Ministry will be energized and benefit from my learning and the deepening of my own faith over the next number of years. I would love your prayers in this new endeavor – for myself, my studies, and for my family.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
Invitation: Become A Sunday School Teacher!
Are you looking for a way to serve God at FPC? Do you enjoy children and seeing them learn and grow? Have you been wanting to expand and strengthen your faith? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions we invite you to consider becoming a Sunday School teacher!
As the Children’s Ministry continues its post-pandemic growth, we are looking to add more teaching teams to address different age groups. The team concept means you will never be alone in the classroom, and if you won’t be at church on a particular Sunday you are covered. The curriculum we use at FPC will not only guide you through the crafts and activities, but it also explains the scripture behind the lesson, so you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to teach. (And you too might learn some awesome Bible stories in the process!)
This invitation is not only for adults, but we encourage middle school and high school students to volunteer as well! There is a need for classroom assistants as well as other opportunities for the youth of FPC to participate in Children’s Ministry.
Regardless of your age, please consider and pray about joining us in the Children’s Ministry program. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact FPC’s Director of Children’s Ministry Patricia Coley (PColey@myfpc.org) or Children’s Ministry Elder Peter Bergmann (pdbworkday1@gmail.com).
Save the Date – Fall Grounds Clean-up
FPC is asking volunteers to save the date of Saturday, October 8, from 9am-Noon to help with a fall clean-up of the grounds at FPC. A rain date will be the following Saturday, October 15. If you have any questions, please call RJ Binau, Building and Grounds Elder, at 608-334-8032.
Thank you: From Pat & Jerry Ronspiez

I am thankful to be a part of such a loving church. I want to thank you for letting me serve you as your Organist all these years. It has been wonderful and I know I have very much enjoyed playing for God and the congregation all these years. FPC has been very kind to us during my difficult time and the last 4 years with cards, flowers, food, help, visits, love donation and support, caring and many prayers. The celebrations for two Sundays at church and delicious cake on the last Sunday.
Your kindness is appreciated so much.
Thanks, again.
Pat and Jerry Ronspiez
Guest Musician: Ellen Kennedy Traeger

Ellen is a retired music minister and classical vocalist. She returned to her hometown after 25 years on the East Coast, where she was music minister to several congregations, performed in concert and recital, and had a private voice and piano studio. She is happy to be home.
Possible Weekend Retreat/Bible Study
Dear Members of First Presbyterian Church,
We are considering the possibility of having a weekend retreat/Bible Study type conference experience once again at the Green Lake Conference Center this fall.
We are considering the third weekend in October. If you have an interest in attending such a retreat, please email Adult Nurture and Spiritual Growth Elder Scott Legwold at: scott.legwold@gmail.com
The website for the conference location is www.glcc.org
Thank you.

- The parking lot project issues were discussed and a new proposal was brought forward. See the separate communication from Elder RJ Binau on this topic.
- Liz Weller will be hired to be the to be the Adult Choir Director. Liz is a member and an ordained Elder. She filled the choir director role with our adult choir previously, and we are looking forward to having her back in this leadership position. The Session thanks Sam Shugar for stepping up to be the volunteer Interim Choir Director last winter and spring. He kept the choir active and moving forward during a turbulent time and we appreciate his willingness to help.
- There will be a fall church building and grounds clean-up. It is scheduled for October 8, with a rain date of October 15.
- Alice Honeywell and Booth Fowler have volunteered to manage and oversee the church library. Session gratefully approved their proposal, sponsored by Adult Education and Spiritual Growth (Elder Scott Legwold) and looks forward to having a revitalized and organized church library. The Session thanks Anne Frihart, the previous church librarian, for her impressive catalog database, her organization of materials, her many past newsletter articles encouraging borrowing, and all her efforts to present books and other materials attractively to FPC members, staff and friends. Her work provides an outstanding launching point for Alice and Booth to begin their work with the library.
- We will be hiring a paid part-time volunteer coordinator. We had hoped that a volunteer would step up to fill this role, but no one expressed interest.
- Student Ministry received approval to plan a mission trip to Guatemala, for June 11-June 17, 2023. Aiming to have about 37 spots available, 30 for students and 7 for adult leaders. Students entering grade 9 through 2023 graduates of grade 12 may apply.
- The fall stewardship campaign theme of “Blessed to be a blessing” focused on Proverbs 11:24-25 was approved.
- The Mission Team, led by Elder Brice Kettner, will be working on consolidating and refreshing some of the missions that FPC has been working with. They’d like to get FPC members involved in more hands-on activities. Also continuing to look for volunteers to join the Mission committee.
- We converted our fire alarm monitoring to Fire Detection Group to improve service and compatibility with our security system. Thanks to Brian Gade for his help with this.
- Stanley Steemer will be coming in to clean carpets.
- Deacon training for incoming Deacons was completed with all incoming deacons present. The deacon leaders were happy to see verve, enthusiasm and new ideas from the incoming group.
- The Milwaukee mission trip for high-school students was a transformative experience for everyone who attended. FPC worked City on a Hill to plan and coordinate student activities in Milwaukee for this mission.
- Friendship pads will be returned to the pews and gathered and reviewed weekly.
- An article about Pastor Glen Reichelderfer joining FPC will be placed in the newspaper.
- Pastor Jeff Fox-Kline thanked the Session and FPC for our willingness to work with him in his Interim Moderator role. The next Session meeting will be moderated by Pastor Glen Reichelderfer.
Finance Report:
- General Fund YTD: Income $468,559.37, Expenses $462,480.61. Actual income vs. Expense. ($43,837.02). Budgeted Income vs. Expense ($155,377.00).
- Giving vs. Pledged YTD at 101.6%.
- FPC will continue to use the Wish List for targeted donations. Focus will be given to making sure it is kept up-to-date with current needs and item values.

Thank You!
We’d like to say a big “Thank You” to Sam Shugar for stepping up and getting the choir back up and singing again in February-May. So many of our church folks were so blessed and happy to see and hear the choir again. Sam, we are grateful that you answered the call of the Holy Spirit and appreciate all you’ve done!!
“Thank You” to Audrey Manning for playing piano for the choir and many services as well as singing frequently. We are so grateful, Audrey, for using your gifts!
“Thank You” to Cherith Brown, Lolly Lawrence, Brett Cable, Jason Cable and our new pianist Ying Wang for sharing their musical gifts during our summer services. Ying will be officially joining us next month at Sunday services and accompanying the choir and any soloists and guest musicians.
Music Opportunties
Choir “I’m Gonna Sing When the Spirit Says Sing!”
You’re invited to sing with the Choir! We rehearse every Wednesday night from 7:00 PM-8:30PM in the Sanctuary beginning on September 21st. In October, November and December we will sing twice a month at the 10:00 AM service, with an additional service on Christmas Eve. Unsure if you are a Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass? No worries, we can help and welcome all ability levels including middle and high school students!! Come enjoy a great fellowship of singers! Hope to “See you…in September”. Please contact Liz Weller with any questions.
Liz Weller, Adult Choir Director: eaweller245@gmail.com
Joyful Noise “Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord!”
The Joyful Noise is our instrumental ensemble. If you play a wind or string instrument, no matter what age or skill level, please consider playing with us! We rehearse every other Thursday from 7-8/8:30 in the Music Room starting Thursday, September 15th. We are encouraging middle and high school students to play with us!!We also have a brass and woodwind ensemble. Contact Sam Robinson at church: srobinson@myfpc.org 608-949-9450
Vocalists and Instrumentalists (Piano too)
If you’d like to sing or play an instrument at a Sunday service, please contact Sam Robinsonsrobinson@myfpc.org 608-949-9450. You are welcome to sing/play a special song or two, no matter what your skill level is. We have open dates when the Choir and Joyful Noise are not playing and would like to fill those with students and adults from our congregation (as well as outside of our congregation too).
Calling All Middle and High School Musicians
We’d LOVE to see middle and high school students be part of our music ministry by singing or playing with the Choir or Joyful Noise or playing a song or two for a Sunday service. You can also play a duet with a friend! Parents, please encourage your child to use their musical gifts with our congregation! Contact Sam Robinson at church: srobinson@myfpc.org 608-949-9450
Parking Lot Construction: Phase 1 construction time extended.

The parking lot reconstruction project began the week of August 1 and ran into difficulties in Phase 1 (the education wing and lower parking lot outside fellowship hall) due to soft soils, which are not conducive to modern paving standards. The cost estimate to make the necessary improvements to the soil would have been cost prohibitive. Session asked RJ Binau, the Buildings and Grounds Elder, to go back to the contractor and discuss options for the project that would be more in line with the congregation’s approval to take on a $300,000 loan to finance the project.
The contractor discussed alternatives with the B&G elder and another Session member on-site, Monday August 8, 2022. They developed an alternative project scope with pricing that fell more in line with the budget established for this project. Session reviewed the proposal and voted unanimously to move forward with a revised plan that is in line with the project budget. The revised plan calls for twelve inches of the bad soils uncovered in the initial construction work to be removed and replaced with stone and impacted gravel. This stone and impacted gravel layer is intended to stabilize the site and permit paving to commence and be successful.
The soil removal and replace activities were not in the original bid. To keep the project within budget, compromises and scope changes were needed. To save on cost, overflow parking on the very south-side of both the education wing parking lot and the lower fellowship all parking lot will be left with stone and impacted gravel, but not paved at this time. Additionally, the paving in phase one will be one 2 ½ inch layer of paving, not 3 ½ inches as originally proposed. It was determined that regular passenger vehicle traffic, which is most of the traffic on our surfaces, will be just fine with 2 ½ inches of pavement, making this a workable cost-saving measure.
Lastly, to save cost and stay within budget and keep the project moving this fall, the contractor proposed, and Session approved, to take the area of Phase 2 (upper parking lot, access road and employee parking lot) and do an overlay coat of pavement rather than a full replacement. Taken together, these improvements and cost reduction measures will result in the church getting the new parking and pavement project completed this year, within the budget constraints established for the project. If you have any questions, please call RJ Binau, Building and Grounds Elder at 608-334-8032.
Thank you,
RJ Binau, Buildings and Grounds Elder.

Upcoming Special Music in Worship
- August 21 – Ellen Kennedy Traeger, Guest Pianist & Vocalist
- August 28 – Gloria Grys, pianist, Sam Robinson, alto saxophone
- September 4 – Brooksy Beilke-Skoug, Guest Pianist

Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to communications@myfpc.org.
The Connector comes out at 4pm every Friday. The deadline for submissions is Noon, the Wednesday prior.
Fall Worship Schedule
Our fall schedule begins on Sunday, September 11th
- Sunday School will be from 9:00am until 9:50am.
- We will continue to have one worship service, which will be starting at 10:00am.
Our Friendship Pads are back
Our Friendship Pads are back in the pews! We invite you to sign the Friendship Pad and write a note to the office if you wish. Pass it along and pass it back. Pause to greet someone following the service.
Children’s Ministry Registration is now live
Please go online to register your child if they are going to be participating in any Children’s Ministry activities this year!
Children’s Ministry is looking for teachers
Children’s Ministry is still for teachers as well as any high school or middle school students that would be interested in assisting in 4K – 4th grade classes.
Update Contact Info
We would like to update our church database with your new contact info, for example, mailing address, cell phone number, email address, etc. Please let Alka at the church office know by calling her or sending her an email with this information. Thank you.
Hand out bulletins on Sunday morning
If you or your family would like to hand out bulletins before the start of our summer worship services, please use the link below to sign up.
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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