Choose your own adventure!

Hello there FPC Family!
Do you have your hiking boots on today? I’m taking you on a “Choose Your Own Adventure!” (Do you remember those books?!?) I’m feeling playful this week…… Let’s begin at #1:
1. Did you hear my sermon last Sunday? If not, go to #2. If you did, go to #4
2. During my sermon on Sunday, the congregation graciously allowed me to lead them in a very active sermon point- which was taking time to fill out FPC’s new Discovery Tool- right there during service! This is not a spiritual gifts assessment, and it doesn’t sign you up for anything, but it’s a digital discovery tool that can help us see ourselves in a new way. It will also likely confirm some gifts that we may already know about. This tool will help give us some ideas of how to be the Church together as we face outward and show God’s love to each other and our community. If you would like to watch my sermon from Sunday and hear more about it first, go to #3. If you want to go directly to the Discovery Tool, Go to #5.
3. Here is a link to my sermon: When you are finished, go to #5.
4. Did you already complete the Discovery Tool? If yes go to #6, if not, go to #5.
5. Here is a link to the discovery tool for you to fill out: Your personal info doesn’t go anywhere else – this is just within the FPC. it’s a quick 25 clicks and you hit submit. When you are finished, go on to #6.
6. Thank you for completing the Discovery Tool! What did you find in your list of ministry connections? Which one pulled you in? Which one will you pursue in your quest of handing out God’s Grace to others by using your gifts? Think on these questions this week FPC family. May God grant you the Spirit of Discovery that wherever God leads, we will follow. Amen.
*If for some reason you didn’t receive an email back with your top 10 ministry connections, please shoot me an email:
**This tool is for 5th graders through adults. For 4th grade and under, please email Christa and she will send you a kid’s version!
Video Devotional: All the Trees of the Forest Sing for Joy
In a recent Bethel Bible Series class, we talk about the name Israel. What does it mean and why is it important? Find out in this episode of Scriptures for Life!
Soli Deo Gloria!

We exist as a congregation to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known:
- To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ so all may come to know and love Him;
- To nurture His people in joyful faith, fellowship, and commitment; and
- To demonstrate His way of love in service to the world.
We use the Connector to share news of the coming week and beyond, the activities that involve a wide range of ages and interests at FPC.
Coming Events | August 18 – September 7, 2024
Sunday, August 18, at 3PM – Theology on Tap

Join us for a casual gathering that is centered around food/drinks, connection, and conversation on a deep faith topic. If you have any questions contact Christa:
Summer Schedule:
Sunday, August 18 at 3pm
Bennins’ Condo – 5240 Bishops Bay Parkway, #112
Monday, August 19, 9:30AM – Light Team Coffee
The Light Team is meeting at MNM’s Coffeehouse on Monday, August 19 at 9:30AM for coffee and fellowship. For more information please contact Lynda Bennin.
Friday, August 23, from Noon-5PM – Red Cross Blood Drive

Help save lives! The blood drive will be held down in Fellowship Hall on Friday, August 23 from Noon-5PM.
Monday, September 2 – FPC Church office will be closed
The FPC Church office will be closed Monday, September 2 in observation of Labor Day.
Save the Date | More Info to come
Sunday, September 8 – Fall Kick Off with BBQ Potluck, All that Jazz & Welcome Pastor Will!
Sunday, September 8 – Sunday School Open House

Hooray! It’s almost back-to-Sunday-School time! We are looking forward to our classrooms being filled again with children laughing, learning, and feeling God’s love!
Sunday School kickoff is Sunday, September 8, and is for kids ages 3 years-6th grade, 9am-9:50am. The first day is a fun meet-and-greet (or dance) open house style morning. Parents and children are encouraged to stop in classrooms to meet teachers and get a welcome-back surprise! Can’t make it the first day? No worries, kids are always welcome to come any Sunday throughout the whole year. Friends are always welcome too!
While we believe parents are the first educators of their children knowing God, we also believe He is working through us at FPC to share the knowledge of the Bible and teachings of Jesus with your children. We are blessed to have every child walk (usually run) through our classroom doors to come learn more about God. We teach in a fun and friendly way, and the children seem to love it!
You can register your child(ren) here, or we can help you register when you arrive! Thank you for bringing your children. It is our pleasure shepherding them in their faith journey! Any questions? Contact Interim Children’s Ministry Director Lori Phelps at or 608-949-9445.
Don’t forget the fun continues on September 8 with the open invitation to the all-church potluck, band, bouncy house and yard games from 11:30-1:30!
Mondays, starting September 9, from 1-2:30PM – Light Team

Light team is a small women’s group that emphasizes fellowship with a Bible study. Meetings take place Monday afternoons in the Gathering Place from 1-2:30.
No homework is required and our meetings are open to all. Our time together is enhanced with coffee, tea, and delicious snacks.
The first meeting will be Sept. 9 with an emphasis on fellowship and getting back together after the summer break. The Bible lesson this fall will be a video from Laura Story, “So Long, Normal”. Nothing about life with God is normal. Can we live an abundant, adventurous life in Christ? Who knows? God may have a new adventure for us! Do we need to let go and trust Him?
If you are interested in joining, or would like more information please email Lynda Bennin.
Monday, Sept. 9 at 6:30PM and Saturday, Sept. 14, at 10AM –
FPC Care for the Caregivers Support Group
Sometimes we need someone to walk with us, someone who is experiencing the same path of caregiving. Someone to share ups and downs with, and possibly offer advice.
Are you or were you a caregiver? Let’s lean on each other and learn from each other as a group of Christians. Our FPC group is small but mighty, always welcoming any newcomers. The group is offered once a month. Stop in when you can, you choose to share or listen, it’s up to you. We meet in the Chapel, once on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm, and once on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am. The discussions held in the meetings are confidential, people can speak freely.
Attendee Lori Phelps has said, “This is my therapy and is so helpful for my mental health as I care for my parents! I walk away with a clearer mind and fresh ideas (an indoor garden kit for my dad! I didn’t know these existed! And a binder for my mom titled, When I start feeling bored, I can…). I’m so grateful for Marcia creating and conducting this group! She is a great listener, and she cares. She’s been through the same experiences so we can talk, laugh, or cry through the ups and downs. I feel like this group is so beneficial but seems to be the best kept secret. We should spread the word for others to benefit too!”
Caregivers (current or previous) – join us any month you can! If you have questions, or if these dates and times won’t work for you, please contact Marcia Chase, or call 849-5683 and leave a message during work hours.
Monday, September 9, at 6:30PM – Centering Prayer
The Centering Prayer group will meet in the Chapel on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM for two 20 minute “sits.” September’s Centering Prayer session will be held on the second Monday due to Labor Day. For those who want to “learn by doing,” please come at 6 PM to get oriented. For questions, please contact Judy Fitzgerald.
Wednesdays, starting September 11, from 7-8:30PM – Men’s Ministry Meeting

Men’s Ministry is a multi-generational group of men committed to exploring matters of Faith, Purpose and Connection. The group meets on Wednesdays from 7PM to approximately 8:30PM at the church and also plans off-site opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and community service. All men are welcome.
Join the group in the Gathering Space by the fireplace. At our first meeting of the fall, we will be wrapping up the DVD Video series “Love Does” by Bob Goff, which we started in late spring.
We will have a table setup at the September 8th Fall Kick Off Event hosted by FPC. So if you would like to hear more about our group please stop by and see us. Otherwise please contact Jim Fitzgerald at or David Sliwicki at for carpooling information and to find out more about FPC’s Men’s Group. All men are welcome to join us!
Friday, September 27, from 12:30PM-5:30PM – Red Cross Blood Drive

Help save lives! The blood drive will be held down in Fellowship Hall on Friday, September 27 from 12:30PM-5:30PM.
Opportunities to Serve
Have a heart for singing? Join the FPC Choir!

Have a heart for singing? Not sure, but willing to give it a try? Looking for some musical fellowship? The FPC Choir will be kicking off the Fall Semester on September 4th and would love to have you join us! We sing two Sundays a month and rehearse most Wednesdays and are flexible if you can’t sing every time. If you are even a little curious, join us on August 28th for our Fall Picnic at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. We promise, the only bites had will be of delicious food combined with joyful community and fellowship. Anyone interested in learning more can reach out to Jamison Wendlandt ( and he would be more than happy to connect! See you there!
Guaranteed to Make You Feel Younger… Volunteer with Children!

We currently need more warm and friendly (and silly) individuals to round out our gold medal Sunday School teaching teams. No experience necessary! Guidance, teacher manuals and materials provided. Sunday school is from 9am-9:50am. Youth volunteers are also encouraged to assist. Help on occasion or on a rotating schedule-you choose. Please consider this important calling by reaching out to Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Lori Phelps at or call/text 608-235-7899. The rewards and smiles are plentiful!
We’re Hiring: Nursery Coordinator
FPC of Waunakee has a part-time position available Sunday mornings 9:30am-11:30am (job sharing considered). Main responsibilities include love and care for our littlest ones, absolute compliance with safety policies and cleanliness, and supervision of Nursery assistants. Additional fun may include Bible stories, activities, music, and crafts. With assistant, oversee 2-10 children ranging from ages newborn-2 years. Pay is competitive, and you can bring your own children or grandchildren with you to play on Sunday mornings! Christian faith, self- motivation, love of children, and warm teaching spirit essential!
Apply soon by emailing resume and cover letter to or to request an application.
Hammers with Halos

Want to help others with minor household repairs, maintenance or yard work? Contact the church office or any of the Deacons. Your name will be added to a call list and you may be contacted to see if you can help when a request is received.
We’re Hiring: Children’s Ministry Director
We are hiring a Director of Children’s Ministry! We are seeking a 3/4 time (30 hours/week) professional who is eager to create, manage, and administer our successful children’s Christian programs. The position offers flexible scheduling and a hybrid work model with a blend of onsite and work-from-home. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or applying (candidates don’t have to be a member of the church), please check out the full job description here.
To apply, please click the button below to complete the job application (fillable pdf) and email the completed application along with your resume to the Church Business Administrator Kristina Maher.
Sunday Worship House Manager

FPC of Waunakee is seeking dedicated volunteers to fulfill the role of “House Manager” during our Sunday services. This position involves ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our congregation by monitoring our facilities and surroundings. Volunteers will be attentive and proactive, keeping an eye out for any potential concerns that may arise. We value a calm and composed demeanor, as well as strong communication and observational skills. If you are passionate about contributing to a secure and peaceful worship experience, please consider joining our House Manager team.
Sound Desk Assistant Needed

We invite you to join our dynamic worship team as a Sound Desk Assistant! Play a crucial role in enhancing our Sunday worship services by ensuring a seamless audio/visual experience for the congregation both in-person and at home. Take turns with fellow volunteers and enjoy a unique opportunity to be part of our vibrant worship atmosphere! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Christa Schmeelk at
Agrace Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to assist customers and operate the cash register at the Doc Rock Café located inside the Agrace Madison campus or make companionship visits to local Agrace hospice patients in patients’ homes, nursing homes or assisted living centers.
Schedules are flexible, and free training is provided. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Agrace at (608) 327-7163 or visit to apply online.
Help Needed! The Waunakee Food Pantry is looking for volunteers the last Wednesday of each month

Did you know that the food pantry serves ~200 families each month? Our church has a long history of supporting the Waunakee food pantry. Our FPC church has been given the last Wednesday of every month from 4-6 pm to distribute food. This is a great way to connect with fellow members and serve the community. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form on the FPC website, or talk with Sheryll Gehrmann for more details.
Unable to volunteer? Here’s the list of items most needed this month:
1. Toilet Paper
2. Bar soap
3. Cereal
4. Ritz type crackers
5. Canned Tuna
6. Ketchup & Mustard
7. Pancake Mix
8. Canned fruit (pears, peaches, mandarin oranges)
The pantry is always looking for paper grocery bags as well. Items can be placed in the shopping cart at the entrance by the Education wing.
News and Announcements
Survey and Serve!

Being on your phone during church is usually frowned upon, but in this case, it is to be celebrated!
Last Sunday, Christa Schmeelk led us in worship and during her sermon she invited the congregation to fill out our new Volunteer Accelerator survey.
This survey helps members of the congregation find ways to match their unique skills and passions with different opportunities to serve throughout the church.
We had an amazing response! Over 100 people have taken the survey already!
If you you missed the sermon last week, and would like to take the survey, you can find that here.
Thank You Note to FPC from St. Dennis

Intruder Committee Update
Hello FPC Family! As you may be aware, the FPC Intruder Committee has been making updates, changes and recommendations to Session as part of the church safety plan for over a year. This month, the Session approved the Intruder Committee’s recommendation of not allowing Concealed Carry in our church building. This is consistent with the PCUSA recommendations from 2010 and means no weapons are allowed. Law enforcement officials are the only exception. We wanted to make sure and communicate this to our whole church family but, in addition, signs will be posted at all church entrances.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Ben:
Happy Birthday, Kay!

On Tuesday some FPC friends got together to celebrate Kay Wahlstrom’s birthday at Sugar River Pizza in Sun Prairie. Happy Birthday Kay!

Need help around the house?

The Deacons provide a ministry of sharing time and service to others called “Hammers with Halos.” This ministry is intended to be a short term or occasional way of helping out someone in need, not a long-term solution. Minor household repairs or maintenance, yard work or other small tasks are things that we can help with! Write it in the friendship pad, contact the church office or any of the Deacons and they will share the need with Beth Mueller, the current Deacon in charge of the program.
This Week’s Birthdays: August 18 – 24

This Week’s Anniversaries: August 18 – 24

FPC Nursery for Ages 2 and under

Nursery Age 2 and Under – Room 200
The Nursery is available on Sundays from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, is staffed by church volunteers who love children and want to share God’s love with them.

Music in Worship
August 18 – Sonia Driskill, harpist; Ying Wang, pianist
August 25 – All That Brass, brass quintet
September 1 – Roxanne & Alan Fauque, piano & saxophones

Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.

Tryg Knutson

Jill Umlauf
Want to receive an email notification when the weekly Connector is updated? Sign up here!
Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to
The Connector is available in print at the Connection Corner in the Lobby for those who would like a printed copy.
The Connector comes out at 4 PM every Friday. The deadline for submissions is noon, the Wednesday prior.