God of the whole world, hear us as we pray for lives lost and communities shattered by earthquakes and aftershocks in Turkey and Syria. Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd, to bring comfort, relief, shelter, and human kindness. In our prayers and with our gifts, and through all those who bring aid, let us testify that Light still shines, and darkness and dust shall not overcome it. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.
We have all seen the horrific images from Turkey and Syria, where a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit early Monday. As of February 17th, the death toll has risen above 43,000. Tens of thousands have been injured. This earthquake has affected millions.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (https://pda.pcusa.org/) is already on the scene, through its established global partner GOPA-DERD. They are acting first on immediate needs, distributing winterization items (blankets, mattresses), food items, and medicines. You can support PDA’s response directly by going here on their website or by clicking the button below. And this Sunday, in all of our churches, we encourage your prayers for the people of Turkey and Syria.