Meet me in the Parking Lot
February 7 | 10am
You’re invited to worship with us on February 7th at 10:00AM for our first ever “DCPLS”-that would be Daytime Communion Parking Lot Service! As you enter the parking lot at FPC (begin humming an inspirational tune) you will be greeted by our AWESOME masked and gloved volunteers who will give you a bulletin and individual pre-packaged Communion elements. Continue driving to the upper lot facing our Sunday School classrooms, park and tune-in your car radio to 93.5FM. Let your car and your heart be filled with God’s grace as Pastor Kirk and Nancy lead us in worship, including the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. At the conclusion of our service, please give your attention to those AWESOME volunteers as they safely guide you out of the church parking lot. (OK, you may stop humming) There is no need to register for this service, just throw your car into DRIVE and join us on February 7th!