FPC is committed to serving individuals right in our own community. You don’t have to travel far to find folks who can use the love and helping hand of God’s people. Below are a few of the local ministries we support and serve.
FPC at Food For Kidz
There are hungry children around the world, even right here in Waunakee. When you volunteer at Food for Kidz, you are helping to assemble hundreds of thousands of meals which provide nourishment for children in need.
The “annual fill” is an amazing community event – a chance to connect with friends and neighbors. Ditch the TV and the screens for a few hours, and join FPC as we work toward a common goal. You will be amazed by the positive energy and “good vibes” that flow throughout the day at a FFK event.
Families can serve together – from toddlers to retirees – everyone is welcome and able to contribute. It’s not often that you can find an activity that allows the whole family to serve together in a meaningful way.
Porchlight: Feeding the Homeless
FPC serves a meal to the homeless in conjunction with Porchlight on the 4th Thursday night of the month, year-round. Participation can be as easy as picking up pre-ordered groceries (1 person/month), helping cook a meal at FPC (2-4 people per month), or taking the food to downtown Madison to serve at the shelter (3-4 people/month). For more information, contact FPC Mission Elder Brice Kettner.
Shelter from the Storm Ministries
This organization supports single women with children through a variety of services, including finding housing for those facing homelessness, teaching life skills, providing a network of community resources, and encouraging their clients through prayer, listening, and leadership. Earlier this winter, FPC gathered hats, gloves, mittens and scarves for children staying at the shelter, and Network 56 (an FPC program for 5th and 6th graders) collected donations for laundry fees for people staying in the shelter. Thank you to all who contributed to these campaigns!
Pres House
Several times each year, FPC serves a Sunday evening meal to the students at Pres House, the Presbyterian student ministry on the UW campus. University students attend a 4:30pm Sunday worship service at Pres House and then share a meal at 5:30pm. The after-worship meal is a long-standing tradition in which a number of area churches, including ours, participate. Sign up on the clipboard in the lobby or contact FPC Mission Elder Brice Kettner. Thank you in advance! The students always appreciate our meal, and they do all the clean-up!
Waunakee Ecumenical Board
Along with other churches in town, FPC is a member of the Waunakee Ecumenical Board (WEB). WEB sponsors the local American Red Cross Blood Drives, the Christmas Tree Giving Tree, the Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service, Easter basket delivery to shut-ins and Thanksgiving baskets for those in need, as well as other assistance programs. www.waunakeeweb.org
The WEB Food Pantry is their main effort—located on 710 South Street, where we help with volunteer support. You can drop off food donations in the shopping cart in the main office entrance of church. www.waunakeefoodpantry.org
The River Food Pantry
Located near the airport, this huge pantry is serving our neighbors on the north side of Madison. Donations of food and clothing are always welcome. In addition, there are daily opportunities to help at the pantry by serving food, cleaning, sorting clothing, and restocking shelves. Information and signups are available at www.riverfoodpantry.org or contact FPC Mission Elder Brice Kettner.
The Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC)
WNC serves families in need in Waunakee and the surrounding area. Items in the store, such as clothing, furniture, household goods, toiletries, etc., are offered free of charge. You can volunteer your time or donate items to the store. www.waunakeeneighborhoodconnection.com
Agrace Seeks Volunteers in Dane County
Volunteers are needed to assist customers, operate the cash register and sort donations at the Agrace Thrift Stores in Madison, pack donated merchandise in donors’ homes, or make companionship visits to local Agrace hospice patients in patients’ homes, nursing homes or assisted living centers.
Agrace will host volunteer orientation Thursday, May 18, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at its Madison campus. Pre-registration is required. Call (608) 327-7163 or visit agrace.org/volunteer to fill out an application.
Hospice Volunteers
Agrace is seeking volunteers across Dane County to visit with hospice patients or support its Madison area thrift stores. Volunteer orientation will take place at Agrace’s Madison campus May 18, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call (608) 327-7163 or visit agrace.org/volunteer to fill out an application.
Agrace Offers Grief Support Group Options in May:
In May, Agrace is offering professionally led, in-person and virtual (accessible with a tablet, computer or smartphone) grief support options.
- Bridges is for adults grieving the death of any loved one. Meetings are held every other Wednesday at the Agrace Grief Support Center. In May, meetings are May 3 and 17, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Bridges (virtual) is for adults grieving the death of any loved one. Meetings are held every other Wednesday. In May, meetings are May 10 and 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., via Zoom.
- Young Adult is for anyone aged 18 to 30+ years who is grieving the death of a loved one, parent, child, spouse, sibling or friend. The group will meet May 11, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Agrace Grief Support Center.
There is no fee for these programs if a participant’s family member was in hospice care in the past 12 months; fees for others can be lowered or waived, if needed. Pre-registration is required for all groups. For details, fees or to register, email griefsupport@agrace.org or call (608) 327-7110.