The Mission Team continues to help those in need this Christmas with the Giving Trees. Due to COVID, wrapped Christmas gifts cannot be distributed to families. For this reason, we will be accepting monetary donations or store gift cards for each group’s tree. All donations should be marked Attention Mission Team and can be mailed or dropped off at the church at the mailbox near the church office entrance. Any amount is appreciated. If you’d like your donation to go towards a specific group’s tree, make a note of it on your donation. All Giving Tree donations should be made by Monday, December 7.
Here are the groups we are supporting this year:
- WEB Tree – The Waunakee Ecumenical Board has 156 families and 350 children in Waunakee that need help with food and gifts. Monetary donations only. No gift cards please. Checks can be mailed directly to WEB at P.O. Box 143.
- Soar Kenya Academy Tree – After recently opening their doors to 4th-8th graders they have found that, due to COVID job loss, many families are not able to pay tuition. Hoping that that this is just a temporary situation, they are desperately in need of funds to pay for meals for students and local elderly community. Monetary donations only. No gift cards please.
- Operation Christmas Angel Tree – for the Children of active duty men and women serving outside of the Country. Walmart gift cards requested.
- Shelter from the Storm Ministry Tree – This group will purchase gifts for the children of the single homeless mothers that are being served in their facility. Walmart gift cards requested.
- *NEW THIS YEAR* Sock Tree – To benefit the homeless or needy men, women, and children of: Friends of State Street, The Beacon, Porchlight, and Waunakee Neighborhood Connection. We are collecting bagged socks at the church main entrance on Sundays. Or arrangements can be made to pick up the socks at your home.
Our FPC family is always so generous during the Giving Tree season! Thank you in advance for financially supporting these worthy groups in our community. Have any questions? Email Glenn Myers, FPC Mission Elder.