Food for Kidz

Food for Kidz
October 20th, 2024, FPC will again sponsor 5 tables that are filled with FPC volunteers. Look for a signup document to come out soon. Any questions about volunteering, please contact Allie Devine, or click here to sign-up!
Dane Manufacturing
500 S. Division Street, Waunakee (new location)
FPC's time slot 2:30-4:30
FFK's mission is to bring awareness to hunger problems around the world by involving communities in the participation of packing nutritional meals that will be distributed to children in need. Waunakee FFK will once again be partnering with the Orphan Grain Train, a non-profit based out of Westfield, WI. They will be shipping meals packaged during Waunakee's event to Ukrainian refugees in the war-torn area.
Meals will be sent to Haiti to help feed kids and their families at the Feed My Lambs Orphanage and School.
Meals will also be given to the Dane County Community Action Coalition (CAC). They distribute the meals free to local food pantries.