Music is central to worship here at FPC, and we are blessed and proud to be a church full of all different kinds of musical talent. Our musical groups including Adult Choir, Worship Team (guitar, drum, piano, vocals), Men’s Chorus, Joyful Noise Instrumental Ensemble, and Joyful Brass (brass ensemble).
The Adult Choir sings twice a month at our 8:45am service with traditional music. We would love to have you join us.
If you are interested in learning more about FPC’s Worship Team, we would love to have the opportunity to connect with you! We are always looking for instrumentalists and vocalists, as well as people who can serve at the sound/video console.
Joyful Noise Instrumental Ensemble’s director Sam Robinson is always looking for instrumentalists of all skill levels and would love to hear from you if have any questions about being a part of the group. You can reach him by phone at (608) 949-9450 or by email at
Our musical groups include the Adult Choir and Joyful Noise Instrumental Ensemble. The Adult Choir sings twice a month and rehearses every Wednesday at 7 pm. The Joyful Noise plays in October, Christmas Eve, February, Easter and May and rehearses every other Thursday at 7 pm.
Email link should be me:
For Jamison: