Download the 2021 Advent mailing for a fridge-ready format of all FPC Christmas events!
Advent Message Series
Sundays | 8:45 am and 10:45 am or anytime online!
Mary’s Story
I Love to Tell the Story: Wendy Jones Hill
Joseph’s Story
The Innkeeper’s Story
Sunday Morning Advent Study for Adults

For Adults during Advent, Pastor Susan will be leading a 4 week Advent Study titled “Finding Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam” every Sunday between services in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us starting next week November 28, December 5, 12, and 19 from 9:45-10:40 am.
Daily Bread Christmas Devotional

From Our Daily Bread, Celebrating Jesus: 10 Christmas Reflections on Christ and Community brings focus during this special season on the oneness we enjoy because of Christ. Jesus made it possible for us to be right with God and live in harmony with each other. His invitation into the family of believers is for everyone. So let’s come together this Christmas season to celebrate the One who welcomes us all with open arms.
Pick up your copy in the Our Daily Bread bins near the church entrances.
Donations and Giving Trees

Choose an ornament from the Giving Trees and purchase a gift to help a local family.
There are still quite a few ornaments left on our Giving Trees and we’d like to see all of these gifts spoken for this weekend. Select an ornament marked with a specific item that you will purchase and then return to the church. We have extended the deadline to return the gifts to Tuesday, December 14. Our Mission Team will deliver them to the charities that we are supporting on December 15. Thank you for your generosity, FPC fam!
Alternatively, you can drop off or mail a check–clearly marked “Giving Tree Gifts”–to the church office. Your generous support benefits WEB, Shelter from the Storm Ministries, Christmas Angel, and Waunakee Neighborhood Connection.
We are also collecting paper goods for the Waunakee Food Pantry at the south entrance to the education wing.
Live Nativity 2021
Saturday, December 18 | 5-7 pm
One night only! The first shift of volunteers are needed from 5-6 pm. The second shift is 6-7 pm. Cast members will arrive in costume and ready to go. Online volunteer sign-up is now available. Click the link below.
Children’s Nativity 2021
Sunday, December 19 | 4 pm
Children’s Nativity Service this year will include costumes but this year, the story will also include songs, speaking parts! Rehearsals take place during Sunday School: December 5, 12, and 19. The nativity performance will be on December 19 at 4:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Serivces
Friday, December 24 | 4:30 pm, 7 pm and, online anytime!
Services will include singing familiar carols, the reading of the Christmas Story, a message about the true meaning of Christmas, and will conclude with an all-church candle lighting and singing of “Silent Night.”
Contemporary Music Celebration 4:30 pm
Celebrate Christmas with music led by our talented Worship Team vocalists and instrumentalists.
Traditional Music Celebration 7:00 pm
enjoy a traditional Christmas celebration with the Adult Choir and Joyful Noise instrumental ensemble.
Communion will be offered after the 7 pm service in the chapel.
The Sanctuary doors open for regular seating twenty minutes before each service. Those requiring assistance may be seated earlier by an usher. Children of all ages are welcome to sit with their families!
Christmas Carol Sing-Along
Sunday, December 26 | 9:30 am
On Sunday, Dec. 26, which is the Sunday after Christmas Eve, we will have ONE service at 9:30 am. We are going to sing Christmas Carols and hear the stories behind some of our most beloved Christmas songs!